PINS = {"LED":0x00, "BUZZER":0x01, "BUTTON":0x02, "LBUMP":0x03, "RBUMP":0x04, "LLINE":0x05, "CLINE":0x06, "RLINE":0x07, "LENCODER":0x08, "RENCODER":0x09, "LDISTANCE":0x0a, "CDISTANCE":0x0b, "RDISTANCE":0x0c, "LMOTORCTRL1":0x0d, "LMOTORCTRL2":0x0e, "LMOTORPWM":0x0f, "RMOTORCTRL1":0x10, "RMOTORCTRL2":0x11, "RMOTORPWM":0x12} COMMANDS = {"AREAD":0x00, "AWRITE":0x01, "DREAD":0x02, "DWRITE":0x03, "PINMODE":0x04, "TONE":0x05} class Command(object): """ Represents a robot command that can be sent to the Arduino for execution. """ def __init__(self, command, pin="LED", value=0x00): self.command_number = command self.pin_number = pin self.value = value self.number_of_bytes_to_receive = 1 # TODO: implement a __repr__ and/or __str__ def to_bytes(self): b = bytearray() b.append(COMMANDS[self.command]) b.append(PINS[]) b.append(self.value) # TODO: Implementation that doesn't assume value is byte return b def value_of(self, bytes_received, data=None): """ Returns the CommandData that the given bytes object encodes. """ # TODO: Different Commands return different types of CommandData? # For now, assume an int in a single byte. return bytes_received class AnalogReadCommand(Command): def __init__(self, item): super().__init__('AREAD', item) class AnalogWriteCommand(Command): def __init__(self, item, value): super().__init__('AWRITE', item, value) class DigitalReadCommand(Command): def __init__(self, item): super().__init__('DREAD', item) class DigitalWriteCommand(Command): def __init__(self, item, value): super().__init__('DWRITE', item, value) class MotorCommand(Command): def __init__(self, side, direction, pwm=0): if side not in ["LMOTOR", "RMOTOR"]: raise "Motor side must be either LMOTOR or RMOTOR" if direction == 'forward': ctrls = (0x01, 0x00) elif direction == 'backward': ctrls = (0x00, 0x01) elif direction == 'stop': ctrls(0x00, 0x00) elif direction == 'brake': ctrls(0x01, 0x01) else: raise "Incorrect direction in motor command--should be one of ['forward','backward','stop','brake']" self.ctrl1 = DigitalWriteCommand(side + "CTRL1", ctrls[0]) self.ctrl2 = DigitalWriteCommand(side + "CTRL2", ctrls[1]) super().__init__('AWRITE', side + "PWM", pwm) def to_bytes(self): b = bytearray() b.append(COMMANDS[self.command]) b.append(PINS[]) b.append(self.value) b.append(self.ctrl1.to_bytes()) b.append(self.ctrl2.to_bytes()) return b def main(): """ Calls the TEST functions in this module. """ pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this module is running at the top level (as opposed to being # imported by another module), then call the 'main' function. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()