Session 8 Preparation
1. Videos/Reading with Quizzes in Moodle

Do all the items on this Preparation page BEFORE this session's scheduled class time.

  1. Range expressions: Reading.
    • This document on Python's RANGE expression extends the 1-argument form that you know to the 2 and 3-argument forms. From this point forward, use the 2-argument and 3-argument forms whenever they are helpful.
    • As you read the document, do its associated quiz on Moodle.
  2. Sequences: Video [8:43]
  3. The Last Item in a Sequence: Video [3:20]
  4. Iterating Through a Sequence: Video [11:35]
  5. Worms, Python and Ethics: Reading.
    • Read this fascinating and important excerpt from a textbook by Horstmann and Necaise.
    • Do the Moodle quiz as or after you complete this short reading.
2. Preparation-Summary Quiz

AFTER doing all the Videos / Reading to the left, along with their associated quizzes in Moodle:

  • Do the Preparation-Summary Quiz. (It is labeled Session 10 but is really for this session.)
  • Turn in your answers via Moodle.
  • Check your own answers by using either or both of:
  • Video solutions: There is no video solution for this quiz.
  • Written answer key
3. Get the starting code

Clone the following into PyCharm, using the standard instructions for getting the Starting Code.

Additionally, if you are pair programming, use the standard instructions for forming a Team project on this: