For each exam in CSSE 120, you MUST have completed all the practice problems, both paper-and-pencil and on-the-computer, to your instructor's satisfaction, BEFORE you take the exam.
For Exam 1, the practice problems are:
You demonstrate that you have completed the practice problems by submitting your solutions to Moodle in the usual way (in Sessions 5 and 6, respectively).
As additional preparation for the exam, you should do the following:
Neither of the above two items form part of your Admission Ticket, but you would be wise to have read both BEFORE taking the exam.
Time limit: You have 2 hours to complete the exam (both parts), plus a 30-minute grace period.
Communication: For both parts of the exam, you must not communicate with anyone except your instructors and their assistants, if any. In particular:
Questions during the exam: Throughout the exam, if you have a question about WHAT we are asking you to do, e.g. if you do not understand the specification of a function that you are to implement, ask ANY of the instructors to explain WHAT you are to do for the problem. (If a student assistant is proctoring your room, ask them to get an instructor.)
You are on your own for solving the problems. In particular we will not answer any questions about error messages.
Follow this link for additional IMPORTANT information about the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam.
Follow this link for additional IMPORTANT information about the On-the-Computer part of the exam.