Rules for the two parts of Exam 1: Paper-and-Pencil and On-the-Computer
For an Online Exam

For an online exam, and ONLY for an online exam, you may use your computer to do any of the following:

  • Enter Microsoft Teams and join in the Live (video) Meeting that starts the exam.
  • Communicate with your professors (but NO ONE ELSE) via Microsoft Teams (and via email if Microsoft Teams is not working for you).
  • Use Moodle to get the Pencil-and-Paper part of the exam.
  • Use software on your computer to print, view, and/or type answers to the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam.
  • Use Moodle to turn in both parts of the exam.
  • Use Git as usual to get and commit-and-push the On-the-Computer part of the exam.
  • Use other tools like the Global Protect VPN that support the above.
Rules for both parts
  1. Time limit: For the On-the-Computer part, which you take in class, you have 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete that part.

    Time limit: For the Paper-and-Pencil part, which you take at a time of your own choosing between Friday and Monday at 6 p.m., you have 2 hours to complete that part (but most students use only about 45 minutes of that).

    The time spent turning in your exam does NOT count toward the time limits. However, let us know if technical difficulties cause you to take more than about 10 minutes to turn in either part of the exam.

  2. Communication: For both parts of the exam, you must not communicate with anyone except your instructors and their assistants, if any. In particular:

    • During the exam, you must not talk with anyone else or exchange information with them during the exam.
    • After the exam, you must not talk about the exam with anyone who has not yet taken it.
    • During the exam, do NOT use email, chat programs or the like, except as needed to communicate with your instructors. Close any such applications before beginning the exam.
  3. Questions during the exam:

    Throughout the exam, if you have a question about WHAT we are asking you to do, e.g. if you do not understand the specification of a function that you are to implement, ask ANY of the instructors to explain WHAT you are to do for the problem. (If a student assistant is proctoring your room, ask them to get an instructor.)

    You are on your own for solving the problems. In particular we will not answer any questions about error messages.

  4. You are welcome to leave the room to use the restroom, stretch your legs, go outside to get a break from your mask, or whatever. You do not need to ask permission to do so. But remember: Do NOT talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING when you do so.
  5. Assistive devices: You may use any assistive devices you normally use for taking exams, including but not limited to the following:
    • Dictionaries and/or translators.
    • Hearing, vision and hand-writing assistive devices.
    • Devices to address dyslexia.
    • A calculator (but only for computing numeric values (no programming).
    • Blank paper and/or blank post-it notes. (We'll bring some.)
    • If your proctor permits it, you may listen to quiet music using headphones to the extent that it does not disturb other students.
  6. We want you to have a testing environment in which you are comfortable.
    • Of course we will honor all accommodations (including extra time) for students that have obtained official letters stating so.
    • Additionally, if you need a quieter or more secluded place to take the exam, or if there are other accommodations that help you be more effective in demonstrating your knowledge/understanding via this exam, do not hesitate to discuss them in advance with your instructor.
Paper-and-Pencil part

The rules for BOTH parts apply, as shown to the left, of course. Additionally:

The ONLY external resource that you may use beyond those listed for both parts of the exam is a Hint Sheet, as follows:

  • Your Hint Sheet must be a single 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper, with whatever you want on it, typed or handwritten or a combination of the two.
  • You must have prepared your Hint Sheet before beginning the exam.
  • It is best if you create your own sheet (working with someone else is fine) as that will probably maximize both your learning and your score on the exam.
  • If (and ONLY if) you lack access to a printer, you may create an electronic document that is the equivalent of the above sheet of paper and you may access that document while taking the exam.
On-the-Computer part

The rules for BOTH parts apply, as shown to the left, of course. Additionally, you may use any of the following:

  • Any written material you choose to bring to the exam: books, handouts, notes, etc.
    • Please organize any handouts you bring so that they are not spilling over into a neighbor’s workspace.
  • Your computer and anything on it, including (but not limited to) your own code from previous PyCharm projects.
  • Your own Git repositories on the gitter server.
  • Anything in our course's Moodle site.
  • Anything directly reachable from the CSSE 120 Home (Schedule) Page (including but not limited to the Session Preparation pages, the course Piazza site, this list of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) that students have found helpful for Exam 1, and the official Python documentation).
  • You may NOT use any search engine (like Google).