Your Admission Ticket for taking an Exam in CSSE 120

For each exam in CSSE 120, you MUST have completed all the practice problems, both paper-and-pencil and on-the-computer, to your instructor's satisfaction, BEFORE you take the exam.

  1. For Exam 1, the practice problems are:

    1. The 05a-Debugging project in PyCharm.
    2. The 05b-Exam1Practice project in PyCharm.
    3. The Paper-and-Pencil Practice Problems for Exam 1, including checking your answers at this Answer Key for those problems.
      • Of course, check each answer AFTER (!) doing each problem. To do otherwise would only harm your learning.

    You demonstrate that you have completed the practice problems by submitting your solutions to Moodle in the usual way (in the sessions/topics for Sessions 5 and 6, respectively).

  2. For Exam 2, the practice problems are:

    1. The 13-Exam2Practice project in PyCharm.
    2. The Paper-and-Pencil Practice Problems for Exam 2, including checking your answers at this Answer Key for those problems.
      • Of course, check each answer AFTER (!) doing each problem. To do otherwise would only harm your learning.

    You demonstrate that you have completed the practice problems by submitting your solutions to Moodle in the usual way (in the sessions/topics for Sessions 13 and 14, respectively).

If the time for the exam arrives and you have NOT completed your Admission Ticket, ask your instructor what to do.