How to: GET, TAKE, and TURN IN the Online Exam
Microsoft Teams

You will take the exam while attending a Microsoft Teams Live (video) Meeting to which we will have sent you a calendar invitation. Join the meeting just as you have joined the Live Meetings at the beginning of each session.

We will make announcements as needed and then you may begin the exam.

  • If you have questions during the exam, pop back into the Live Meeting or text us via its Chat/Conversation. We will then call you to answer your question.
  • Watch the feed for that Live Meeting in case we make any announcements during the exam.

If you do not understand WHAT we are asking you to do in a problem, ask us for help.

You are on your own for actually SOLVING the problems.

If you experience any technical difficulties, contact us in Teams, or if Microsoft Teams is not working for you, send email to ALL of your instructors (mohan, mutchler, ebrahimi AT

Paper-and-Pencil part: from Moodle

For the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam, visit the Moodle section (topic) for Session 8.

You will see a PDF named Exam 1: Paper-and-Pencil part, Winter 2020-21.

Take that part of the exam by doing either of the following (your choice):

  • Print the PDF and write your answers on the printed paper.
  • Read the PDF on your computer and put your answers into a file that you will turn in.
    • The file that you turn in must be either a text file, a Microsoft Word document, or a PDF (your choice).
    • You may use any writing tool you wish (except PyCharm or the like!) to produce the file; e.g. Notepad, Microsoft Word, or a PDF editor.
On-the-Computer part: from PyCharm

For the On-the-Computer part of the exam: do this AFTER you have completed the Paper-and-Pencil part.

  • You are on your honor not to return to the Paper-and-Pencil part after you begin the On-the-Computer part.
  • You will turn in the entire exam at the end of the exam, as described to the right.

Make sure yourGlobal Protect VPN is on. Open PyCharm and do VCS ~ Update as usual to obtain the project (folder) named 08-Exam1-202120. Do the TODOs in the modules, just like you have done in your previous projects.

If the doc-string that specifies the problem is not clear to you, ask for help.

You are on your own to figure out any error messages or other errors in your code.

However, if you have any technical difficulties (e.g. PyCharm is behaving oddly), get help via the Live Meeting.

If you get stuck on a problem, move on to the next problem, returning to the one on which you are stuck as time permits. Be sure to attempt all the problems. Feel free to write a short note in a comment explaining how you WOULD solve the problem if you could figure out whatever is holding you back.

To turn in your exam: Moodle AND Commit-and-Push

To TURN IN the exam: When you are done with the exam or the time is up, turn in your exam via the Moodle section (topic) for Session 8 AND by commit-and-push your code.

The time that you spend turning in the exam does not count as part of the exam, but let us know if you are having technical difficulties that make you take more than about 10 minutes to turn in the exam.

For the On-the-Computer part, commit-and-push your code AND copy the files in your SRC folder into the Moodle quiz you will see for that purpose.

Turn in the Paper-and-Pencil part via the Moodle quiz that you will see. In doing so:

  • If you wrote your answers in a file, turn in that file.
  • If you hand-wrote your answers, scan your answers into a PDF or take photos of them.
    • If you are turning in photos, please put all the photos into a SINGLE Microsoft Word document and turn in that SINGLE document converted to a PDF.
    • Make sure that the document that you submit is legible.