Session 15 — Start-the-Session videos


do the following:

  1. Check your own answers to the Before-the-Session quiz by watching the videos listed below.

    • Of course, do that Before-the-Session quiz BEFORE you watch the videos below that show a solution to it.

      • Exception: Do the last problem (problem 5) on the above quiz as you watch the first “Follow Me” video below.
    • Check your answers carefully! They are KEY exercises that are critical to your understanding of how to implement a class.

    • If you have questions about any of the answers, GET HELP BEFORE PROCEEDING, by using Live Now! or other means.

    The videos with the solutions are:

    1. Solution to Problem 1.

    2. Solutions to Problems 2 through 4.

    3. Do the last problem (problem 5) on the above quiz as you watch the first “Follow Me” video below.

    For your reference, here is paper-and-pencil copy of the above Answer Key to the Before-the-Session quiz for Session 15.

  2. Turn in your answers to the Before-the-Session quiz in the usual way (on Moodle, via the item named Turn in your Before-the-Session quiz here.).

  3. Open PyCharm. Do:

    VCS ~ Update Project

    to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your PyCharm.

  4. Watch the “Follow me” videos listed below. As you watch each video:

    • Do the coding in PyCharm, following what you see on the video.

    • You can do the coding as the video does it or by reviewing the video afterwards (your choice).

    • The key is to UNDERSTAND what you are coding, not merely type what the video shows.

    The “Follow me” videos for this session are as follows. (Do them in the order listed.)

    1. A video that explains input from the Console

      • Watch this video while you are doing all of module m1r_console_input_examples.
  5. You are now ready to do the remaining PyCharm modules in this session.