Session 10 — Start-the-Session videos


do the following:

  1. Check your own answers to the above Before-the-Session quiz by examining this Answer Key to the Before-the-Session quiz for Session 10.

    • Check your answers carefully! They are KEY exercises that are directly relevant to what you are about to do.
    • If you have questions about any of the answers, GET HELP BEFORE PROCEEDING, by using Live Now! or other means.
  2. Turn in your answers to the Before-the-Session quiz in the usual way (on Moodle, via the item named Turn in your Before-the-Session quiz here.).

  3. Open PyCharm. Do:

    VCS ~ Update Project

    to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your PyCharm.

  4. There are no “Follow me” videos for this Preparation. Just dig right into the PyCharm exercises and remember:

    • For most problems, if you are still working on the problem after 5 (or at most 10) minutes on that problem:

      • STOP working on that problem.
      • Continue to the next problem.
      • Ask for help on the problem(s) that you did not complete.
    • We recommend that you do the coding when a meeting is open in the Live Now! channel of the CSSE 120 group in Microsoft Teams.

    • That way you can get INSTANT answers to your questions BEFORE you apply the concepts in the other modules in PyCharm.