Session 5 Start-the-Session videos


do the following:

  1. Open PyCharm. Do:

    VCS ~ Update Project

    to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your PyCharm.

  2. Session 5 has TWO projects:

    • 05a-Debugging: These are exercises that not only improve your debugging skills, but also specifically address the debugging challenges that most often impede students' progress on Exam 1. To make the most effective use of 05a-Debugging:

      • Do the entire project while watching its “Follow-Me” video below.
      • For each TODO, try to debug the error(s) associate with that TODO yourself BEFORE watching its solution.
      • However, do NOT spend more than a few minutes on any TODO in these modules. Once you are no longer making effective progress in debugging (e.g., if you start GUESSING at the fixes), play the portion of the video that shows the solution.
    • 05b-Exam1Practice: These are TERRIFIC exercises to prepare you for the on-the-computer part of Exam 1. To make the most effective use of 05b-Exam1Practice:

      • Do the problem1 module while watching its “Follow-Me” video below.
      • Each of the exercises in the remaining modules has a TIME and DIFFICULTY rating. See details at the top of each module. The key is:
        • If you reach the TIME limit/rating for the problem while working on it, and if you are not just a minute or two from a solution, STOP working on that problem and GET HELP in doing it.
        • That is because if you reach the TIME limit/rating for the problem, you are probably missing some CONCEPT that is easily explained but NOT easily figured out without help.

    Always remember that your goal is to UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPTS in the exercise, not merely to just get it to pass test cases.

  3. Watch these videos that review the answers to the Before-the-Session quiz for this session:

    Problems 8 - 10 in the Before-the-Session quiz are TERRIFIC practice for the Paper-and-Pencil portion of Exam 1. Be SURE that you understand their solutions, as presented in the above videos.

    • Of course, do that Before-the-Session quiz BEFORE you watch this video that reviews its answers.

    • Check your own answers carefully, marking all that are wrong (for your own sake, not for grading purposes).

    • If you wrote your answers by hand, take a photo of your answers.

    • Submit either that photo or the file in which you typed your answers

      • to Moodle

      • in the Session 5 item labelled Turn in your Before the Session quiz here.

  4. Watch the “Follow-Me” videos listed below. As you watch each video:

    • Do the coding in PyCharm, following what you see on the video.

    • You can do the coding as the video does it or by reviewing the video afterwards (your choice).

    • The key is to UNDERSTAND what you are coding, not merely type what the video shows.


    The “Follow-Me” videos for this session are: