Session 4 Start-the-Session videos


do the following:

  1. Open PyCharm. Do:

    VCS ~ Update Project

    to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your PyCharm.

  2. Watch this Start-the-Session video that introduces Session 4.

  3. Watch this Start-the-Session video that reviews the answers to the Before-the-Session quiz for this session.

    • Of course, do that Before-the-Session quiz BEFORE you watch this video that reviews its answers.

    • Check your own answers carefully, marking all that are wrong (for your own sake, not for grading purposes).

    • If you wrote your answers by hand, take a photo of your answers.

    • Submit either that photo or the file in which you typed your answers

      • to Moodle

      • in the Session 4 item labelled Turn in your Before the Session quiz here.

  4. Watch the “Follow me” videos listed below. As you watch each video:

    • Do the coding in PyCharm, following what you see on the video.

    • You can do the coding as the video does it or by reviewing the video afterwards (your choice).

    • The key is to UNDERSTAND what you are coding, not merely type what the video shows.


    The “Follow me” videos for this session are: