Description and Rules for the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam
  1. The Paper-and-Pencil portion of the exam contains problems in which you:

    • Trace code by hand.
    • Write short snippets of code to do various things.
    • Indicate what names (variables) are valid at what places, thereby demonstrating your understanding of scope.
    • Write a short but complete implementation of a function whose specification you are given.
    plus possibly other problems similar to the above.

    Here is a sample of the paper-and-pencil portion of Exam 1.

  2. PRIOR to taking the exam, you should prepare a Hint Sheet with whatever you want on it, typed or handwritten or a combination of the two, subject to the following:

    • For Exam 1: You may use only ONE side of ONE 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. For Exams 2 and 3: You may use TWO such sheets of paper.
    • You must have prepared the Hint Sheet before beginning the exam.
    • It is best if you create your own sheet (working with someone else is fine) as that will probably maximize both your learning and your score on the exam.
    • If you lack access to a printer, you may create an electronic document that is the equivalent of the above sheet(s) of paper and you may access that document while taking the exam.
    • The Hint Sheet will be the ONLY external source of information that you may use while taking the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam.
  3. To TAKE the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam, you will:

    1. Get onto your computer, connected to the Internet. (If this is difficult for you, contact us.)
    2. Enter Moodle and enter the session/topic named for the exam: Session 7 for Exam 1, or Session 16 for Exam 2.
    3. Read the document named Paper-and-Pencil part.
      • It will be a PDF with the statements of the problems.
      • You may print the document if you wish, but you do not have to do so.
  4. To WRITE YOUR ANSWERS, do one of the following (YOUR CHOICE):

    • hand-write your answers on the document if you printed it, or
    • hand-write your answers on a separate sheet of paper, or
    • type your answers in a file.
      • A plain text file (as in Notepad) is best, but a Microsoft Word file is OK.
      • It does not matter what the name of the file is.

    Number your answers in the same order as they appear in the document with the problem statements.


    • If you wrote your answers by hand, take a photo of your answers.
    • Submit either that photo or the file in which you typed your answers to Moodle in the item named Turn in your Paper-and-Pencil portion of the exam here.
  6. If you have QUESTIONS while taking the Paper-and-Pencil portion of the exam:

    • You may contact us by using Microsoft Teams, by email, or by telephone (your choice).
  7. While you are taking the Paper-and-Pencil portion of the exam:

    • You may use any assistive devices you normally use for taking exams, including but not limited to the following:
      • Dictionaries and/or translators.
      • Hearing, vision and hand-writing assistive devices.
      • Devices to address dyslexia.
      • A calculator (to be used only for calculating numeric values – programming is NOT allowed on the calculator).
      • Blank paper and/or blank post-it notes.
    • You may use the Hint Sheet that you prepared (as described above).
    • You may use your computer and phone ONLY for doing the things described above, plus
      • You may use a calculator tool on your computer/phone (but only for calculating).
      • You may listen to music if you wish.
    • You must NOT communicate with any person other than your instructor while taking the exam.