Description and Rules for the On-the-Computer part of the exam
  1. The On-the-Computer portion of the exam contains problems similar to those you did in your PyCharm projects.

    For Exam 1, your repository contains a sample On-the-Computer exam in the project named 06b-Sample_Exam1-Optional.

  2. AFTER you complete the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam:

    • Open PyCharm and do VCS ~ Update to obtain the exam (if it is not already present).
    • Work through the TODOs in the modules, just as you have done in your previous PyCharm projects.
  3. If you have QUESTIONS while taking the On-the-Computer portion of the exam:

    • As a reminder: ALWAYS work BY HAND any example that the problem supplies. That helps you understand the specification AND suggests how to write the code!
    • You may contact us by using Microsoft Teams, by email, or by telephone (your choice).
    • If you do not understand WHAT a problem is asking you to do, contact us and ask us to help you understand the problem SPECIFICATION.
    • If you have technical problems of any sort (e.g. PyCharm stops working), contact us.
    • You are ON YOUR OWN with regard to SOLVING the problems. In particular:
      • We will NOT offer any help on ANY error messages produced by running your program.
      • We will NOT help you debug your code to figure out why it is failing test cases.
  4. While you are taking the On-the-Computer portion of the exam:

    • You must NOT examine anything on the Internet, except Moodle for turning in your code.
    • You must NOT communicate with any person other than your instructor while taking the exam.
    • It is OK to use your computer for anything other than the above.
      • In particular, it is OK to examine and use the previous projects in your repository.
    • It is OK to use books, handouts, or other written materials that you have gathered BEFORE the exam.
    • It is OK to use scratch paper.