To compute your grade in the course:

Rule 1: To pass the course, you must complete (to the satisfaction of your instructor):
Note: You may redo any quiz or exercise until it is satisfactory, if you do so in a timely way. (See Attendance / Late work.)
Rule 2: Assuming that you succeed per Rule 1, calculate the weighted average of your scores on exams and your capstone team project, and then convert that weighted average to a letter grade:
Category Weight
Exam 1 paper-and-pencil 5%
Exam 1 on-the-computer 5%
Exam 2 paper-and-pencil 10%
Exam 2 on-the-computer 10%
Exam 3 paper-and-pencil 15%
Exam 3 on-the-computer 15%
Capstone team project 40%
A: 92 and up
B+: 88 to 92
B: 83 to 88
C+: 78 to 83
C: 70 to 78
D: 65 to 70
F: below 65
Note that this is NOT the standard "10 point" scale.

Rule 3: Additionally, to earn a C or better in the course, you must achieve ALL of the following: