CSSE 120
Summer 2016-2017 (aka 201740)
Introduction to Software Development (with robotics)
Session 7 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


There is no quiz associated with this preparation. However, there ARE things to do as preparation for Test 1, including paper and pencil problems to complete before you take Test 1. See Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part below.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

If you have any questions about the following documents/instructions, ask your instructor about them BEFORE you begin Test 1.

  1. Process for Test 1:
    1. Read these instructions, including the links below to the Format of Test 1 and Honesty Pledge.
    2. Complete and commit Session06_Test1Practice before noon (EST), Friday June 16.
    3. I will review your solutions and email feedback to you by 5 p.m. (EST) on Friday June 16.
    4. After you receive my feedback by email, modify your solutions per the feedback, commit your modified (improved) solutions, and send email to me indicating that you have done so. Complete this step by noon (EST) on Monday, June 19.
    5. Do the Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part (see link below).
    6. AFTER (!) completing those Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part, check your answers to them by using the link below to their Answer Key.
    7. Prepare your “hint sheet”, as described below.
    8. I will email you the Paper and Pencil part of Test 1 early in the day on Monday, June 19. Print it any time before you take Test 1 but do NOT read it until you begin the test.
    9. Choose a 2.5 hour (150 minutes) period when you can take Test 1 without interruptions. The best time would be Monday evening during our regular class, since I will be available then to answer questions. However, you may take Test 1 during any uninterrupted 2.5 hour period between 7:30 p.m. (EST) on Monday, June 19, and 7:30 p.m. (EST) on Wednesday, June 21.
      • When you are ready to begin the test, get out your printed copy of the Paper and Pencil part (you should have printed it before starting the test) and write your answers on that Paper and Pencil part.
      • When you are done with the Paper and Pencil part, put it aside and do NOT return to it. Then checkout the Session07_Test1 project in the usual way. (I will put it into your repository just before class Monday evening.)
      • If you have questions during the test, contact me via Skype or email. Be forewarned that I will NOT answer questions about errors that you encounter, nor will I give hints. I WILL answer any questions that you have about WHAT the problem asks you to do. I WILL help you with Eclipse as needed.
      • While taking the computer part of the test, commit your work after each sub-problem.
      • Time yourself, keeping to the 2.5 hour time limit. When you are done with the test, commit your work in Eclipse as usual. Scan or take photos of the Paper and Pencil part and email the scans/photos to me.
      • Note that we WILL have class as usual on Wednesday, June 21.
  2. Format of Test 1
  3. Honesty Pledge
    • Read this Honesty Pledge that you will complete and turn in at the end of the test.
  4. Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part
    1. Do these Practice Problems for the Paper and Pencil part of the test.
    2. AFTER (!) doing the above problems, check your answers to the problems via the Answer Key to those problems.
  5. Complete the Session 6 Test1_Practice (including the paper-and-pencil exercises) BEFORE you take this test.
    • It is your ADMISSION TICKET to the test.
  6. Prepare your “hint sheet”, as described in the Format of Test 1.

Read the above instructions, including the links to the Format of Test 1 and its Honesty Pledge, very carefully. If you have any questions about the above documents/instructions, ask your instructor about them BEFORE you begin Test 1.