CSSE 120
Summer 2015-2016 (aka 201640)
Introduction to Software Development (with robotics)
Session 20 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes

Videos and Exercises:

Do the following IN-CLASS, per instructions you will get when class begins.

  1. Say Hello to your teammates. See who is online. Watch for the others to join later in the session.
  2. Read How Your Project Will Be Graded and then The Capstone Project Features. If you have questions about either, ask them in the whole-class "room" on Skype.
  3. Watch this video on Trello and how you will use it to plan your Sprints. If you have questions about it, ask them in the whole-class "room" on Skype.
  4. Meet with your team (as best you can) to coordinate: Each of you chooses at least one Feature that you will implement for Sprint 1. Describe the Feature in your Trello board on a new card that includes your name.
  5. Watch this video on Checking Out Your Team Repository and do what the video says to do.
  6. Watch this video on Sharing Your Project With Teammates and do what the video says to do.
  7. Watch this video on Logging Your Time and do what the video says to do.
  8. Watch this video on Integrating Your Team's Code and do what the video says to do.
  9. Arrange to meet with your team online again at tomorrow's class.