CSSE 120
Summer 2015-2016 (aka 201640)
Introduction to Software Development (with robotics)
Session 7 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


There is no quiz associated with this preparation.

However, there ARE paper and pencil problems to complete before you take Test 1. See Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part below.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

If you have any questions about the following documents/instructions, ask your instructor about them BEFORE you begin Test 1.

  1. Format of Test 1

    Each CSSE 120 test has two parts: a paper-and-pencil part where the only external resource permitted is a single-page “hint sheet”, and an on-the-computer part where you solve problems that you check out from SVN just as you have been doing. For the on-the-computer problems, you have access to all your SVN projects (along with anything else on your computer).

  2. Honesty Pledge
    • Read this Honesty Pledge that you will complete and turn in at the end of the test.
  3. Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part
    1. Do these Practice for Paper and Pencil problems.
      • In case the above Microsoft Word document gives you troubles, here is a PDF of those same Practice for Paper and Pencil problems.
    2. AFTER (!) doing the above problems, check your answers to the problems via the Answer Key to those problems.
  4. Complete Session 6. It is your ADMISSION TICKET to Test 1. You are NOT permitted to start Test 1 until:
    1. You have successfully completed the Session 6 exercises (including its paper-and-pencil practice problems).
    2. You have checked your Session 6 paper-and-pencil problems (per the above answer key) and your instructor has checked your Session 6 on-the-computer problems.
      • I will strive to check your Session 6 problems as quickly as I can after I get an email from you saying that they are ready for me to check. I will certainly do so within 36 hours (and hopefully much sooner than that).
  5. Come to the OPTIONAL class session on Monday.
    • If you have not completed all the required/recommended exercises, this is by far the best time to work on them.