CSSE 120
Summer 2015-2016 (aka 201640)
Introduction to Software Development (with robotics)
Session 1 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


Go to Moodle to find the Quiz for this Preparation.

Do the quiz as you watch the videos and do the reading. The quiz follows the same order as the videos/reading do.

You can access the videos from here or from Moodle; they both point to the same place.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

  1. The Flipped Classroom
  2. What is Software Engineering? Software Development? A Programming Language?
  3. Your First Programs
    • Part 1: Comments, Strings and the PRINT function — Video [5:04 minutes]
    • Part 2: Hello, World — YOUR first program — Video [4:13 minutes]
    • Part 3: Introduction to Objects via Turtle Graphics — Video [9:50 minutes]
    • Part 4: Introduction to Functions — Video [10:51 minutes]
  4. Download the csse120_setup.zip file you will need at Session 1, as follows:

    This file will be posted Tuesday. Please return then to get it.

    • Do this when you are on campus, since the file to download is large (about 650 MB). On campus it should download in under a minute.
    • Using a browser (e.g. Chrome), visit the CSSE 120 binaries folder. (Just click on the link, it will open a new tab.)
    • Download the file that you will see there whose name is csse120_setup.zip. Note where it goes when you download it.
    • Do nothing else with the file. In particular, do not unzip it. We will give you special instructions at Session 1.