Session 24 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


There is no quiz for this session's preparation.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

  1. Trello / planning
    • If your section is using Trello for planning, make sure that EVERYONE on your team has:
      • Selected at least 2 features to implement during Sprint 1, put cards for those features into the Sprint 1 list, and put their names on those cards.
      • Listed at least 2 tasks for each feature, using the Checklist associated with each card.
      If you section is NOT using Trello for planning, make sure that everyone on your team has accomplished the above IN WRITTEN FORM in some way.
  2. Tkinter
    • Look through the Tkinter / ttk examples.
    • Bring your questions about those examples, or requests for other examples, to class.
  3. Working on your project
    • Be working on your project. Success requires work OUTSIDE of class as well as IN class.
    • If you don't know how to implement something, write what you need to do in ordinary English, in comments. Then come to class with specific questions about how to turn those comments to code.
    • Do frequent commits but only of code that runs without breaking. (Do not commit broken code.) At each commit, include a brief but meaningful comment to your teammates indicating what is new as a result of that commit.
    • At the beginning of each work session, do an Update to Head on the entire project to get your teammates' most recent work.
    • At the beginning of each work session, note the time so that you can record ALL your work on the project in your hours-X.txt file.