Session 21 Preparation — Videos, Reading and Quizzes


Do this Quiz on Session 21 as you watch the videos and do the reading (as listed below). This document is a Microsoft Word document; here is the same Quiz on Session 21 (pdf) as a PDF.

You can either:

Bring your solution (and questions about it) to class.

Videos and Reading:

All of the following are required except items labeled Optional are, well, optional (i.e., things that may be interesting but do not directly pertain to your success in this course).

  1. Simple Scrum
    • Watch this Video [7:16 minutes].
  2. Event-Driven Programming
    • Watch this Video [4:13 minutes].
  3. Tkinter/ttk, Part 1
    • Watch this Video [7:45 minutes].

IGNORE the following: It is for David to use in his project kickoff: Some videos and Some more videos and Instructions handout.