p1 = Point(10, 20) p2 = Point(15, 20) p3 = Point(14, 24) print('Should be', p2, p1.closer_to(p2, p3)) print('Should be', p2, p1.closer_to(p3, p2)) print('Should be', p1, p1.closer_to(p1, p3)) print('Should be', p2, p2.closer_to(p3, p2)) print('Should be', p3, p3.closer_to(p3, p3)) p4 = p1.clone() p5 = p1.clone() print('Should be', p4, p1.closer_to(p4, p5)) print('Should be True:', p1.closer_to(p4, p5) is p4) print('Should be False:', p1.closer_to(p4, p5) is p5)