p1 = Point(20, 30) p1.move_to(111, 222) p1.move_by(10, 20) p1.move_to(0, 0) p1.move_to(21, 31) print('p1 from start to (21, 31), should be about 1.414', p1.distance_from_start()) p1.move_by(29, 39) print('p1 from start to (50, 70), should be about 50.0', p1.distance_from_start()) p2 = Point(1, 1) print('p2 from start to (1, 1), should be about 0.0', p2.distance_from_start()) p2.move_to(11, 1) print('p2 from start to (11, 1), should be about 10.0', p2.distance_from_start()) p2.move_to(999, 999) p2.move_to(1, 1) print('p2 from start to (1, 1), should be about 0.0', p2.distance_from_start())