[x] Blank screen appears [x] Movable (left and right arrows) paddle appears [paddle object] [x] Don't need to press again to move (use boolean) [x] Balls appear in a fixed initial location but random velocity. [ball object] [x] Bounce off walls (correctly) [x] Get constant velocity even if lots of events [timer] [x] Bounce off paddle [x] Game ends when no more balls on screen [x] Balls accelerate with gravity [.move method enhancement] [x] Balls stop when they collide [x] Balls obey conservation of momentum [see physics text] [x] Balls can have different colors [x] Balls can have different sizes/masses [x] The score changes: point for bounce is prop to # balls on screen at the time (so reward for keeping lots in air) [x] Change the speed of the paddle [x] Make some balls have rings like Saturn [ ] Fancy rings that are rotated arcs (using transparent transform) [x] Rename with planet name, which inherits from Ball. [ ] RingedPlanet inherits from Planet? [x] Teleport colliding balls apart [x] Pause button works [x] Keep paddles from getting stuck on edges (it's that keyups stop it) [x] Make random stars in the background [ ] Make the paddle accelerate [ ] Draw portal, out of which the planets fall [ ] Screen refresh rate is correct [ ] Have it use less CPU power (pauses) [ ] Scoring: [ ] Have a target at which point you win [ ] Lose points when one gets by, lose more if its faster and there are fewer balls [ ] Gain more points for bouncing a fast ball? [ ] CONSIDER: Fix so it only counts 1 collision (like teleport colliding ball up further]