Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part of Exam 3

This page links to practice problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part of Exam 3, along with links to their answers.

  1. Your instructor will give you paper copy of some or all of these practice problems.
  2. See your instructor for what parts of these practice problems, if any, are part of your Admission Ticket for Exam 3.
  3. For the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam, the only external resource that you may use is a Hint Sheet that is THREE (one-sided) 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper, with whatever you want on them (printed or handwritten).
  4. Read this statement on Academic Integrity; you will sign and turn it in at the exam.

The exam will assess your ability to trace code by hand, where that code includes:

The practice problems are:

  1. A Sample Exam from a previous term, with answers in a video. (There are also written answers to the Sample Exam, although both the practice problems and the answers are for a slightly different version than was handed out in class.
  2. Practice Problems for the Paper-and-Pencil portion with answers here.