""" An exercise that summarizes what you have learned in this Session. Authors: David Mutchler, Yiji Zhang, Mark Hays, Derek Whitley, Vibha Alangar, Matt Boutell, Dave Fisher, Sriram Mohan, Mohammed Noureddine, Amanda Stouder, Curt Clifton, Valerie Galluzzi, their colleagues and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. ############################################################################### # TODO: 2. # Define a complete program that: # a. Imports rosegraphics # b. Defines a main function that: # - Constructs a TurtleWindow. # - Calls the function that YOU define (see next bullet, below) TWICE # (with different arguments each time) to TEST your function. # - Asks the TurtleWindow to wait for a mouse click, then close. # c. Defines another function that takes three parameters: # a SimpleTurtle, a string that represents a color, # and an integer for the distance to move (in pixels), # and causes the SimpleTurtle to: # - Move backward the given distance. # - Change its Pen's color to the given color. # - Turn left 90 degrees. # - Move forward twice the given distance. # d. Calls main. ###############################################################################