import pygame import sys # --------------------------- Conversion helper functions --------------------------- def get_row_col(mouse_x, mouse_y): """ Converts an x, y screen position into a row, col value. """ # Note: the top row is row=0 (bottom row=2), left col is col=0 (right col=2) spacing_x = 86 + 8 spacing_y = 98 + 5 top_y = 50 left_x = 50 return (mouse_y - top_y) // spacing_y, (mouse_x - left_x) // spacing_x def get_xy_position(row, col): """ Converts a row, col value into an x, y screen position (upper left corner of that location). """ spacing_x = 86 + 11 spacing_y = 98 + 8 top_y = 50 left_x = 50 return left_x + col * spacing_x, top_y + row * spacing_y # --------------------------- Model Object --------------------------- class Game: def __init__(self): # TODO 5: Create an empty board, called board # A list that contains 3 lists, each of those lists has 3 "." values. # - Create a game_state_string set to X's turn # - Create a turn_counter variable set to 0 # - Create a game_is_over variable set to False pass def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string that represents the game. """ # TODO 7: Use a "".format() command to create a string to shows the board, turn_counter, and game_state_string def take_turn(self, row, col): """Handle the current turn of the player and update board array""" # TODO 8: Check if game_is_over and return from this method (doing nothing) if True # TODO 9: Check if the value for row and col are valid. Return (doing nothing) if invalid. # TODO 10: Check if the mark at the requested row col is ".". Return (doing nothing) if it is not "." # TODO 11: Determine if it is X's turn or O's turn (even turn_counter means X's turn, odd for O's turn) # - Modify the board by setting the current row col to an "X" or an "O" as appropriate # - Update the game_state_string as appropriate "O's Turn" or "X's Turn" # TODO 12: Increment the turn_counter self.check_for_game_over() def check_for_game_over(self): # TODO 18: If the turn_counter is 9 then the game is over # If >=9 update the game_is_over value and set the game_state_string to "Tie Game" lines = [] lines.append(self.board[0][0] + self.board[0][1] + self.board[0][2]) lines.append(self.board[1][0] + self.board[1][1] + self.board[1][2]) lines.append(self.board[2][0] + self.board[2][1] + self.board[2][2]) lines.append(self.board[0][0] + self.board[1][0] + self.board[2][0]) lines.append(self.board[0][1] + self.board[1][1] + self.board[2][1]) lines.append(self.board[0][2] + self.board[1][2] + self.board[2][2]) lines.append(self.board[0][0] + self.board[1][1] + self.board[2][2]) lines.append(self.board[0][2] + self.board[1][1] + self.board[2][0]) # TODO 19: Use the lines list to determine if there is a winner. # If there is a winner, update the game_state_string, play a sound, and set game_is_over to True. # --------------------------- View Controller --------------------------- class ViewController: def __init__(self, screen): """ Creates the view controller (the Tic-Tac-Toe game you see) """ # TODO 4: Initialize the ViewController, as follows: # - Store the screen. # - Create the game model object. # - Create images for the board, X, and O images filenames. # Use instance variables: screen game board_image x_image o_image pass def check_event(self, event): """ Takes actions as necessary based on the current event. """ # TODO 16: If the event is pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP # Get the mouse click position as x and y variables # Convert the x and y variables into row and col using get_row_col # Inform the model object about this event # TODO 17: If the event is pygame.KEYDOWN # Get the pressed_keys # If the key is pygame.K_SPACE, then reset the game. pass def draw(self): """ Draw the board based on the marked store in the board configuration array """ # TODO 13: Blit the board_image onto the screen at the x y position of row=0 col=0 # TODO 14: Use a nested loop (via range) to go over all marks of the game.board # If the mark is "X", blit an X image at the x y position of row col # If the mark is "O", blit an O image at the x y position of row col # TODO 15: Update the display caption to be the game.game_state_string pass # --------------------------- Controller --------------------------- def main(): pygame.init()"win.mp3") screen = pygame.display.set_mode((380, 400)) # TODO 1: Create an instance of the ViewController class called view_controller # TODO 6: Write test code as needed to develop your model object. while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # TODO 2: Pass the event to the view_controller screen.fill(pygame.Color("white")) # TODO 3: Draw the view_controller pygame.display.update() main()