import math import time import asyncio from pymata_aio.constants import Constants from pymata_aio.pymata3 import PyMata3 from enum import Enum, unique @unique class DIRECTION(Enum): left = 1 right = 2 forward = 3 backward = 4 class Connection(object): def __init__(self, ip_address=None, com_port=None, use_log_file=False): self.board = RoseBotConnection(ip_address, com_port, use_log_file=use_log_file) RoseBotMotors(self.board) RoseBotEncoder(self.board) class DifferentialDrive(object): def cm_traveled(self): return RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.get_distance() def radians_traveled(self): return math.radians(RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.get_angle()) def reset_encoders(self): RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.reset_encoder_counts() def drive_pwm(self, left_speed, right_speed): RoseBotMotors.shared_motors.drive_pwm(left_speed, right_speed) class Motor(object): def spin_pwm(self, direction, duty_cycle): pwm = round(255 * duty_cycle / 100) if direction == DIRECTION.backward: pwm = -pwm self.spin_method(RoseBotMotors.shared_motors, pwm) def stop(self): self.spin_pwm(DIRECTION.forward, 0) def brake(self): self.brake_method(RoseBotMotors.shared_motors) class RightWheelMotor(Motor): def __init__(self): self.spin_method = RoseBotMotors.drive_pwm_right self.brake_method = RoseBotMotors.right_brake class LeftWheelMotor(Motor): def __init__(self): self.spin_method = RoseBotMotors.drive_pwm_left self.brake_method = RoseBotMotors.left_brake class Encoder(object): def reset(self): setattr(RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder,, 0) def get_ticks(self): return getattr(RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder, class LeftWheelEncoder(Encoder): def __init__(self): = 'count_left' class RightWheelEncoder(Encoder): def __init__(self): = 'count_right' class RoseBotConstants: """Generic constants used in the RoseBot library that don't fit well with another category.""" # Rate at which Arduino board sends fresh data SAMPLING_INTERVAL_S = 0.025 LOW = 0 HIGH = 1 class RoseBotPhysicalConstants: PIN_A0 = 0 PIN_A0_AS_DIGITAL = 14 # Also used for SoftwareSerial Tx PIN_A1 = 1 PIN_A1_AS_DIGITAL = 15 # Also used for SoftwareSerial Rx PIN_A2 = 2 PIN_A2_AS_DIGITAL = 16 # Commonly used for the left encoder PIN_A3 = 3 # Commonly used for left line or distance sensor PIN_A3_AS_DIGITAL = 17 PIN_A4 = 4 PIN_A4_AS_DIGITAL = 18 # Also used for I2C PIN_A5 = 5 PIN_A5_AS_DIGITAL = 19 # Also used for I2C PIN_A6 = 6 # Commonly used for center line or distance sensor PIN_A6_AS_DIGITAL = 20 PIN_A7 = 7 # Commonly used for right line or distance sensor PIN_A7_AS_DIGITAL = 21 PIN_3 = 3 # Common used for the left bumper PIN_9 = 9 # Common location for the buzzer PIN_10 = 10 # Commonly used for the right encoder PIN_11 = 11 # Commonly used for the right bumper or Pixy MOSI PIN_BUTTON = 12 # Commonly used for the button or Pixy MISO PIN_LED = 13 PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1 = 2 PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2 = 4 PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM = 5 PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1 = 7 PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2 = 8 PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM = 6 PIN_LEFT_ENCODER = PIN_A2_AS_DIGITAL PIN_RIGHT_ENCODER = PIN_A1_AS_DIGITAL # RoseBot Wheel diameter calculations # TODO: Make our only distance unit be cm. # 4 pairs of N-S x 48:1 gearbox = 192 ticks per wheel rev COUNTS_PER_REV = 192 # diam = 65mm / 25.4 mm/in WHEEL_CIRC_CM = math.pi * WHEEL_DIAM WHEEL_DIAM_CM = 6.5 # approx 7.5 centimeters from centre of the RoseBot (pivot point) to the # wheels. Used to calculate turning angles WHEEL_TRACK_WIDTH_CM = 15 WHEEL_CIRC_CM = math.pi * WHEEL_DIAM_CM class RoseBotConnection(PyMata3): """Creates the Pymata connection to the Arduino board with default parameters and returns the Pymata3 object.""" def __init__(self, ip_address=None, com_port=None, use_log_file=True, sleep_tune=0): reboot_time = 2 if ip_address != None: print("Connecting to ip address " + ip_address + "...") reboot_time = 0 # Arduino does not reset if using a WiFly. elif com_port != None: print("Connecting via com port " + com_port + "...") else: print( "Connecting via com port using automatic com port detection...") super().__init__(arduino_wait=reboot_time, log_output=use_log_file, com_port=com_port, ip_address=ip_address, sleep_tune=sleep_tune) # Send keep_alive message at 1.6 seconds, timeout at 2 seconds self.keep_alive(period=2) print("Ready!") class RoseBotMotors: """Controls the motors on the RoseBot.""" CLOCKWISE = 0 COUNTER_CLOCKWISE = 1 DEFAULT_MOTOR_SPEED = 80 DIRECTION_FORWARD = 1 DIRECTION_REVERSE = -1 # PWM duty cycle = PWM_DC_PER_CM_S_SPEED_MULTIPLIER * Desired cm/s speed + # PWM_OFFSET # when not usingencoder this will give relatively accurate duty cycles PWM_DC_PER_CM_S_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 3.75 # this offset is due to the physical offset required to get the wheels # initially driving when not PWM_OFFSET = 30 shared_motors = None def __init__(self, board): """Constructor for pin setup""" RoseBotMotors.shared_motors = self # Save a global reference to the one and only motor instance self.pwm_value_right = 0 self.board = board self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, Constants.OUTPUT) self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, Constants.OUTPUT) # Choosing to set explicitly, not required self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, Constants.PWM) self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, Constants.OUTPUT) self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, Constants.OUTPUT) # Choosing to set explicitly, not required self.board.set_pin_mode( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, Constants.PWM) self.brake() # Just to make sure we start from a known state def brake(self): """Effectively shorts the two leads of the motor together, which causes the motor to resist being turned. Causes the robot to stop quicker.""" if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.update_shared_pids_on_encoder_callback = False self.left_brake() self.right_brake() def left_brake(self): """Brakes left motor, stopping it immediately""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.analog_write(RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, 0)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, 0) def right_brake(self): """Brakes right motor, stopping it immediately""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.analog_write(RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, 0)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, 0) def drive_pwm(self, left_pwm, right_pwm=None, use_encoder_feedback=False): """Drive the left and right motors using pwm values. Positive values go forwards (capped at 255). Negative values go in reverse (capped at -255). """ if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: # checks to see if encoder feedback is called RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.update_shared_pids_on_encoder_callback = use_encoder_feedback # If no right_pwm is entered, then the right motor speed mirrors the # left motor if right_pwm is None: right_pwm = left_pwm self.pwm_value_left = left_pwm self.pwm_value_right = right_pwm self.drive_pwm_left(left_pwm) self.drive_pwm_right(right_pwm) def drive_pwm_left(self, pwm): """Drive the left motor based on the pwm value. Positive values go forwards (capped at 200). Negative values go in reverse (capped at -255).""" pwm = int(pwm) if pwm > 0: self._left_fwd(min(abs(pwm), 200)) else: self._left_rev(min(abs(pwm), 200)) def drive_pwm_right(self, pwm): """Drive the right motor based on the pwm value. Positive values go forwards (capped at 200). Negative values go in reverse (capped at -255).""" pwm = int(pwm) if pwm > 0: self._right_fwd(min(abs(pwm), 200)) else: self._right_rev(min(abs(pwm), 200)) # ****************************************************************************** # Private functions for RoseBotMotor # ******************************************************************************/ def _left_fwd(self, pwm): """Sets the H-Bridge control lines to forward and sets the PWM value.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 0)) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.analog_write(RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 0) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm) # If we have an encoder in the system, we want to make sure that it counts # in the right direction when ticks occur. if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.left_direction = self.DIRECTION_FORWARD def _left_rev(self, pwm): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 0)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.analog_write(RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 0) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm) # If we have an encoder in the system, we want to make sure that it counts # in the right direction when ticks occur. if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.left_direction = self.DIRECTION_REVERSE def _right_fwd(self, pwm): """Sets the H-Bridge control lines to forward and sets the PWM value.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 0)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 1) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 0) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm) # If we have an encoder in the system, we want to make sure that it counts # in the right direction when ticks occur. if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.right_direction = RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_FORWARD def _right_rev(self, pwm): """Sets the H-Bridge control lines to reverse and sets the PWM value.""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 0)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1)) asyncio.ensure_future(self.board.core.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm)) else: self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_1, 0) self.board.digital_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_CONTROL_2, 1) self.board.analog_write( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_MOTOR_PWM, pwm) # If we have an encoder in the system, we want to make sure that it counts # in the right direction when ticks occur. if RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder: RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder.right_direction = RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_REVERSE class RoseBotEncoder: """Track the encoder ticks. This class should only be instantiated once and a shared reference used to communicate with the RoseMotor class.""" shared_encoder = None # Instance of the RoseBotEncoder that is shared with the RoseBotMotor class. def __init__(self, board): # TODO: Ask Dr. Fisher about this. Seems to work better the larger the # sampling size - should it be set here?? board.set_sampling_interval(100) # Save a global reference to the one and only encoder instance so that # the motors can set the direction. RoseBotEncoder.shared_encoder = self self.board = board self.count_left = 0 self.count_right = 0 self.count_left_at_last_update = 0 self.count_right_at_last_update = 0 self.update_shared_pids_on_encoder_callback = False self.time_of_last_update = time.perf_counter() # default to forward if not set self.left_direction = RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_FORWARD # default to forward if not set self.right_direction = RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_FORWARD board.encoder_config(RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_LEFT_ENCODER, RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_RIGHT_ENCODER, self._encoder_callback, Constants.CB_TYPE_DIRECT, True) def _encoder_callback(self, data): """Internal callback when encoder data updates.""" if self.left_direction == RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_FORWARD: self.count_left += data[0] else: self.count_left -= data[0] if self.right_direction == RoseBotMotors.DIRECTION_FORWARD: self.count_right += data[1] else: self.count_right -= data[1] if self.update_shared_pids_on_encoder_callback: self._update_speeds_based_on_encoder_feedback() adj_left = int(RoseBotMotors.shared_motors.pwm_value_left + RoseBotPid.shared_pid_left.update(self.speed_left)) adj_right = int(RoseBotMotors.shared_motors.pwm_value_right + RoseBotPid.shared_pid_right.update(self.speed_right)) adj_left = min(abs(adj_left), 255) adj_right = min(abs(adj_right), 255) RoseBotMotors.shared_motors.drive_pwm(adj_left, adj_right, True) print("Left PWM: {} Right PWM: {} Left Speed: {:.3} Right Speed: {:.3} ".format( adj_left, adj_right, self.speed_left, self.speed_right)) def reset_encoder_counts(self): """Clears the encoder count accumulators. Optionally you can pass in the encoder pin value to reset only 1 of the two encoder counters.""" self.count_left = 0 self.count_right = 0 def get_distance(self): """Uses the current encoder ticks and returns a value for the distance traveled in centimeters. Uses the minimum count of the encoders to ensure that the RoseBot is not just going around in a circle""" avg_encoder_count = (self.count_left + self.count_right) / 2 return RoseBotPhysicalConstants.WHEEL_CIRC_CM * avg_encoder_count / RoseBotPhysicalConstants.COUNTS_PER_REV def get_angle(self): """Get angle. Uses a simple calculation that shows which direction the RoseBot is currently pointing. Note: It DOES NOT compute the angle at which is has been drving at, only the relative orientation of the RoseBot compared to how is was originally orientated TODO: Work out how to do that accurately""" diff_in_encoder_counts = self.count_left - self.count_right relative_arc_length_traveled = diff_in_encoder_counts * \ RoseBotPhysicalConstants.WHEEL_CIRC_CM angle_in_radians = relative_arc_length_traveled / \ (RoseBotPhysicalConstants.WHEEL_TRACK_WIDTH_CM / 2) return math.degrees(angle_in_radians) def _update_speeds_based_on_encoder_feedback(self): """Updates the speed_left and speed_right variables for the encoders object""" current_time = time.perf_counter() delta_sec = current_time - self.time_of_last_update self.time_of_last_update = current_time self.speed_left = (self.count_left - self.count_left_at_last_update) / delta_sec * ( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.WHEEL_CIRC_CM / RoseBotPhysicalConstants.COUNTS_PER_REV) self.speed_right = (self.count_right - self.count_right_at_last_update) / delta_sec * ( RoseBotPhysicalConstants.WHEEL_CIRC_CM / RoseBotPhysicalConstants.COUNTS_PER_REV) self.count_left_at_last_update = self.count_left self.count_right_at_last_update = self.count_right class RoseBotInput: """Gets readings from the RoseBot sensors.""" def __init__(self, board, pin_number): self.board = board self.pin_number = pin_number class RoseBotAnalogInput(RoseBotInput): """Gets analog readings from the RoseBot sensors.""" def __init__(self, board, pin_number, callback=None): super().__init__(board, pin_number) board.set_pin_mode( pin_number, Constants.ANALOG, callback, Constants.CB_TYPE_DIRECT) def read(self): return self.board.analog_read(self.pin_number) class RoseBotDigitalInput(RoseBotInput): """Gets digital readings from the RoseBot sensors.""" def __init__(self, board, pin_number, callback=None): super().__init__(board, pin_number) self.board.set_pin_mode( pin_number, Constants.INPUT, callback, Constants.CB_TYPE_DIRECT) # sets pin pull-up resistor. INPUT_PULLUP is not an option with Pymata self.board.digital_write(pin_number, 1) # allows time for stabilization of signal before it is read board.sleep(RoseBotConstants.SAMPLING_INTERVAL_S) def read(self): return self.board.digital_read(self.pin_number) class RoseBotServo: """Control servo motors connected to the RoseBot """ def __init__(self, board, pin_number): self.board = board self.pin_number = pin_number self.board.servo_config(pin_number) def write(self, servo_position): self.board.analog_write(self.pin_number, servo_position) class RoseBotBuzzer: # TODO: Add some notes (approx 12-20 notes) def __init__(self, board, pin_number=RoseBotPhysicalConstants.PIN_9): self.board = board self.pin_number = pin_number def play_tone(self, note, duration_s=None): duration_ms = None if duration_s != None: duration_ms = int(duration_s * 1000) self.board.play_tone( self.pin_number, Constants.TONE_TONE, note, duration_ms) def stop(self): self.board.play_tone(self.pin_number, Constants.TONE_NO_TONE, 0) class RoseBotDigitalOutput: """Control digital outputs connected to the RoseBot """ def __init__(self, board, pin_number): self.board = board self.pin_number = pin_number self.board.set_pin_mode(pin_number, Constants.OUTPUT) self.state = RoseBotConstants.LOW def digital_write(self, signal): self.board.digital_write(self.pin_number, signal) self.state = signal def digital_read(self): """Present only if you need to reference later what you wrote to a pin.""" return self.state class RoseBotPid: """ This class provides a simple implementation of a pid controller for the RoseBot. """ def __init__(self, kp=2, ki=0, kd=0.0001, integrator_max=50, integrator_min=-50, set_point=0.0): """Create a PID instance with gains provided.""" = kp = ki self.kd = kd self.derivator = 0.0 self.integrator = 0.0 self.integrator_max = integrator_max self.integrator_min = integrator_min self.set_point = set_point self.error = 0.0 def update(self, current_value): """Calculate pid output value for the given input.""" self.error = self.set_point - current_value self.p_value = * self.error self.d_value = self.kd * (self.error - self.derivator) self.derivator = self.error self.integrator = self.integrator + self.error if self.integrator > self.integrator_max: self.integrator = self.integrator_max elif self.integrator < self.integrator_min: self.integrator = self.integrator_min self.i_value = self.integrator * return self.p_value + self.i_value + self.d_value class PixyBlock: """Model object class that holds Pixy readings""" def __init__(self, pixy_block_dictionary): self.signature = pixy_block_dictionary["signature"] self.x = pixy_block_dictionary["x"] self.y = pixy_block_dictionary["y"] self.width = pixy_block_dictionary["width"] self.height = pixy_block_dictionary["height"] self.angle = pixy_block_dictionary["angle"] def size(self): return self.width * self.height class RoseBotPixy: PIXY_RCS_MIN_POS = 0 PIXY_RCS_MAX_POS = 1000 PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS = 500 def __init__(self, board, pixy_callback=None): self.board = board self.pos_pan = 90 self.pos_tilt = 90 board.pixy_init( max_blocks=3, cb=pixy_callback, cb_type=Constants.CB_TYPE_ASYNCIO) def get_blocks(self): """Returns the list of all found Pixy blocks""" blocks = [] raw_blocks = self.board.pixy_get_blocks() if raw_blocks is not None: for raw_block in raw_blocks: blocks.append(PixyBlock(raw_block)) return blocks def get_block(self, required_signature=None, min_size=0): """Returns the largest block (or None) that matches the given criteria""" blocks = self.get_blocks() if len(blocks) == 0: return None for block in blocks: acceptable_signature = required_signature is None or required_signature == block.signature if acceptable_signature and block.size() >= min_size: return block return None # No matching block found def print_blocks(self): """ Prints the Pixy blocks data.""" blocks = self.get_blocks() print("Detected " + str(len(blocks)) + " Pixy blocks:") for block in blocks: print(" sig: {} x: {} y: {} width: {} height: {}".format( block.signature, block.x, block.y, block.width, block.height)) def servo_pan_write(self, pos): self.pos_pan = int(1000 / 180 * pos) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.pixy_set_servos(self.pos_pan, self.pos_tilt)) def servo_tilt_write(self, pos): self.pos_tilt = int(1000 / 180 * pos) asyncio.ensure_future( self.board.core.pixy_set_servos(self.pos_pan, self.pos_tilt))