import serial import socket import time class SimpleSerialCommunicator(object): """ Uses a serial connection to send and receive messages. """ # Serial can go at 115200, but wifly is currently set to 57600 BAUDRATE = 57600 READ_TIMEOUT = None # in seconds. None means never timeout. def establish_connection(self, port, delay=None): try: # TODO Confirm that the remaining parameters in the # following statement are not going to change no matter # what hardware we use (within reason). # Otherwise, make variables herein for those parameters. baudrate = SimpleSerialCommunicator.BAUDRATE timeout = SimpleSerialCommunicator.READ_TIMEOUT self.serial_connection = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout) if delay: time.sleep(delay) except: # TODO Add error-handling, or leave to caller (as currently) raise print('Connected WIRED to port:', port) def disconnect(self): self.serial_connection.close() def send_bytes(self, bytes_to_send): """ Sends the given message to the Arduino. Returns the number of bytes actually sent. :type message: bytes or bytearray :rtype int """ return self.serial_connection.write(bytes_to_send) def receive_bytes(self, length_of_message_in_bytes=1): """ Receives from the Arduino the given number of bytes. Returns a byte (integer between 0 and 255) if the given number of bytes is 1, otherwise returns a bytearray containing the bytes. Blocking behavior is determined by TIMEOUT_FOR_READ_IN_SECONDS which was set when this object was constructed. :rtype byte or bytearray """ bytes_object = if len(bytes_object) == 1: return int(bytes_object[0]) else: return bytes_object class SimpleSocketCommunicator(object): """Uses a socket to send and receive messages to/from the robot """ def establish_connection(self, address): try: self.socket_connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket_connection.connect((address, 2000)) except: raise # TODO Error handling. print('Connected WIRELESS (WiFly) to address:', address) print('Eating what the WiFly itself sends, here:') time.sleep(1) # TODO Tune this (maybe delete it) result = self.receive_bytes() print(' ', result) time.sleep(1) # TODO Tune this (maybe delete it) def disconnect(self): """ Does whatever is needed to close the connection cleanly. """ return self.socket_connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) def send_bytes(self, bytes_to_send): """ Sends the given message to the Arduino. Returns the number of bytes actually sent. :type message: bytes or bytearray :rtype int """ self.socket_connection.sendall(bytes_to_send) return len(bytes_to_send) def receive_bytes(self, _=None): """ Receives from the Arduino the given number of bytes. Returns a byte (integer between 0 and 255) if the given number of bytes is 1, otherwise returns a bytearray containing the bytes. Blocking behavior is determined by TIMEOUT_FOR_READ_IN_SECONDS which was set when this object was constructed. :rtype byte or bytearray """ max_bytes_to_read = 4096 bytes_read = self.socket_connection.recv(max_bytes_to_read) if len(bytes_read) == 1: return int(bytes_read[0]) else: return bytes_read ######################################################################## # The rest of this module is for testing. ######################################################################## def main(): test_wired() # test_wireless() def test_wireless(): robot_number = 15 suffix = '' address = 'r' + str(robot_number) + suffix test_wired_or_wireless(SimpleSocketCommunicator, address) def test_wired(): port = '/dev/cu.usbserial-A9048GNE' test_wired_or_wireless(SimpleSerialCommunicator, port) def test_wired_or_wireless(communicatorType, port_or_address): # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # After a serial.Serial is constructed, there must be a delay # (sleep) before sending any bytes. Otherwise, the Arduino # will miss the first few bytes that are sent. # The following determines experimentally what delay is necessary. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # delay = find_delay_needed_after_connecting(port_or_address, # communicatorType) # test_delay_needed_after_connecting(port_or_address, delay, communicatorType) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The following assumes that the Arduino reads and sends in blocks # of 1 byte. More precisely, it assumes that the Arduino repeatedly: # -- reads a byte # -- sends a byte # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This tests the throughput under different block sizes # in THIS program. (Remember, we are assuming that the Arduino # does 1 byte blocks herein.) # # Blocksize makes a BIG difference, something like: # -- 60 bytes per second using blocks of size 1 # -- 5,000 bytes per second using blocks of size 300 or more. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # return delay = 1.6 for k in range(10, 200, 10): test_throughput(port_or_address, delay, communicatorType, bytes_per_block=k, blocks_to_send=(200 // k)) def find_delay_needed_after_connecting(port_or_address, communicatorType): if communicatorType is SimpleSerialCommunicator: start = 15 else: start = 0 for k in range(start, 100): time.sleep(2) # To allow for prior effects communicator = communicatorType() communicator.establish_connection(port_or_address) time.sleep(k / 10) # if communicatorType is SimpleSocketCommunicator: # eat_this = first_byte_received(communicator, 2) # print(eat_this) answer = first_byte_received(communicator, 50) communicator.disconnect() print(k, answer) if answer == 1: break print() print('A sleep of {:4.1f} seconds'.format(k / 10)) print('after the construction of a serial.Serial allowed the') print('Arduino to catch the first number sent from this program.') return (k / 10) def test_delay_needed_after_connecting(port_or_address, delay, communicatorType): print() print('Testing whether a sleep of {:4.1f} seconds'.format(delay)) print('after the construction of a serial.Serial allows the') print('Arduino to catch the first number sent from this program.') time.sleep(2) # To allow for prior effects sc = communicatorType() sc.establish_connection(port_or_address) time.sleep(delay) print(' Starting test. If it HANGS here, then the test FAILS:') sc.send_bytes(bytes([100])) answer = sc.receive_bytes() if answer == 101: print(' PASSED test') else: print(' FAILED test. Answer was', answer) print() print('Now testing that LESS sleep causes') print('the Arduino to MISS the first byte sent.') time.sleep(2) # To allow for prior effects sc = SimpleSerialCommunicator() sc.establish_connection(port_or_address) time.sleep(max(delay - 0.1, 0)) print(' Starting test. If it HANGS here, then the test PASSES:') sc.send_bytes(bytes([100])) answer = sc.receive_bytes() if answer == 101: print(' PASSED test') else: print(' FAILED test. Answer was', answer) def first_byte_received(communicator, bytes_to_send=50): for k in range(bytes_to_send): communicator.send_bytes(bytes([k % 256])) time.sleep(0.01) answer = communicator.receive_bytes() return answer def test_throughput(port_or_address, delay, communicatorType, bytes_per_block=100, blocks_to_send=100): communicator = communicatorType() if communicatorType is SimpleSerialCommunicator: communicator.establish_connection(port_or_address, delay) else: communicator.establish_connection(port_or_address) block = [] for k in range(bytes_per_block): block.append(k % 256) bytes_to_send = bytes(block) start = time.perf_counter() for k in range(blocks_to_send): communicator.send_bytes(bytes_to_send) communicator.receive_bytes(bytes_per_block) # TODO Add a check that the correct values were received. # print(k) stop = time.perf_counter() elapsed = stop - start throughput = blocks_to_send * bytes_per_block / elapsed message = 'Throughput at {} bytes per block sent/received:' print(message.format(bytes_per_block)) print(' {:0.1f} bytes per second'.format(throughput)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()