import rosebot.communicator import rosebot.command import serial import time class SerialCommunicator(rosebot.communicator.Communicator): """ Uses a serial connection to send and receive messages. """ BAUDRATE = 57600 # 57600 # Serial can go at 115200, but wifly only 57600 READ_TIMEOUT = None # in seconds. None means never timeout. SECONDS_AFTER_CONNECTING = 1 # TODO Tune this. TIME_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0.005 # TODO Tune this. def __init__(self, port, connect=True, wait_for_acknowledgement=True, send_acknowledgement=False, is_debug=False): # TODO Allow search for port. self.port = port super().__init__(connect=connect, wait_for_acknowledgement=wait_for_acknowledgement, send_acknowledgement=send_acknowledgement, is_debug=is_debug) # TODO implement a __repr__ and/or __str__ def establish_connection(self): try: # TODO Confirm that the remaining parameters in the # following statement are not going to change no matter # what hardware we use (within reason). # Otherwise, make variables herein for those parameters. self.serial_connection = \ serial.Serial(self.port, baudrate=SerialCommunicator.BAUDRATE, timeout=SerialCommunicator.READ_TIMEOUT) time.sleep(SerialCommunicator.SECONDS_AFTER_CONNECTING) except: # TODO Add error-handling, or leave to caller (as currently) raise print('Connected wired to', self.port) # WORKAROUND for now: Send *HELLO**OPEN* as wireless does. # self.send_bytes(bytearray([42, 72, 69, 76, 76, 79, 42, # 42, 79, 80, 72, 78, 42])) def disconnect(self): self.serial_connection.close() def send_bytes(self, bytes_to_send): """ Sends the given message to the Arduino. Returns the number of bytes actually sent. :type message: bytes or bytearray :rtype int """ return self.serial_connection.write(bytes_to_send) # # TODO Calulate the following. # time_since_previous_send = 0 # first_sleep = max(0, SerialCommunicator.TIME_BETWEEN_SENDS # - time_since_previous_send) # # # TODO The following does writes one byte at a time, # # with a short pause after each. Would it be more # # or less reliable to do a single multi-byte write? # # for byte in message: # time.sleep(SerialCommunicator.TIME_BETWEEN_SENDS) # total_bytes_sent += self.serial_connection.write([byte_or_character]) # # return total_bytes_sent def receive_bytes(self, length_of_message_in_bytes=1): """ Receives from the Arduino the given number of bytes. Returns a byte (integer between 0 and 255) if the given number of bytes is 1, otherwise returns a bytearray containing the bytes. Blocking behavior is determined by TIMEOUT_FOR_READ_IN_SECONDS which was set when this object was constructed. :rtype byte or bytearray """ bytes_object = # print('received:', bytes_object) if len(bytes_object) == 1: return int(bytes_object[0]) else: return bytes_object ######################################################################## # The rest of this module is for testing. ######################################################################## def main(): port = '/dev/cu.usbserial-A9048GND' sc = SerialCommunicator(port) # test_send_command(sc) test_send_message(sc) test_receive_message(sc) # test_receive_command(sc) # test_analog_receive(sc) sc.disconnect() def test_send_message(sc): """ Blink. """ for _ in range(2): time.sleep(1) print('off') sc.send_message(bytes([0x03, 0x0d, 0x00])) time.sleep(1) print('on') sc.send_message(bytes([0x03, 0x0d, 0x01])) def test_send_command(sc): """ Blink. """ command = rosebot.command.DigitalWriteCommand(13) for _ in range(2): time.sleep(1) print('off') sc.send_command(command, 0) time.sleep(1) print('on') sc.send_command(command, 1) def test_receive_message(sc): """ Get status of the button, pause and repeat. """ print('Release the button') sc.send_message(bytes([0x02, 0x0c])) print('Should be 1 (not pressed): ', sc.receive_message()) print('Press the button') time.sleep(2) sc.send_message(bytes([0x02, 0x0c])) print('Should be 0 (pressed): ', sc.receive_message()) def test_receive_command(sc): """ Get status of the button, pause and repeat. """ command = rosebot.command.DigitalReadCommand(12) print('Release the button') sc.send_command(command) print('Should be 1 (not pressed): ', sc.receive_command_data(command)) print('Press the button') time.sleep(2) sc.send_command(command) print('Should be 0 (pressed): ', sc.receive_command_data(command)) def test_analog_receive(sc): command = rosebot.command.AnalogReadCommand(0) for _ in range(10): sc.send_command(command) print('Value is: ', sc.receive_command_data(command)) time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()