/** * The purpose of this sketch is to help you connect your WiFly module to your WiFi network from your Sparkfun Redbot board. * You will use the RoseBotFirmata for all Python/Scratch programs and you will use this sketch ONLY to get your WiFly setup. * This sketch is nice because you don't need any other hardware beyong a WiFly and a RedBot (RoseBot). * * In order to use this sketch you need to: * - Turn power off on the RedBot and unplug the batteries * - Plug a WiFly module into your RedBot (RoseBot) and flip the switch at the top center of the board to "XBEE SW SERIAL" * - Plug in the USB cable to RedBot and your computer, then turn on the RedBot Power switch * - Make sure you have selected Tools->Board Arduino Uno and you have the Tools->Port set, then upload this sketch to your RedBot * - Open the Serial Monitor (icon in top right that looks like a magnifying glass) * - Set the Serial Monitor to "Carriage Return" and "115200 baud" (keep Autoscroll checked) * - Note, the speed used for the Serial Monitor is not necessarially (and probably isn't) the same speed that WiFly uses (totally ok) * * Follow the prompts to setup your WiFly (make sure to always finish a recipe with a save then a reboot, s then r) * - Depending on your setup, you should probably write down the WiFly's ip address when you do the reboot too! * - After your WiFly is setup, open and upload the Examples -> RoseBot -> RoseBotFirmata sketch onto RedBot board * - Power down, remove the USB cable, flip the switch back to "XBEE HW SERIAL", plug in the batteries, then turn power on. * - You should be able to run Python and Scratch programs to drive the RoseBot again * * There are many things you can do with this sketch, but here are the common recipes that I predict you'll need. * * #1. Set the baudrate to 57600 for a new WiFly * When you buy a new WiFly module and plug it in for the very first time the baudrate is 9600. You need to fix that. * The first time you ever connect you will need to connect to WiFly using the 9600 baudrate and send some commands. Run the steps * shown above and for the * step, you'll be running these commands: * set uart baudrate 57600 * save * reboot * You'll do that using the menu shortcuts: * (select option 1 to connect at 9600, then send each command below, one at a time) * b 2 * s * r * You will only need to do this once ever. After your WiFly reboots it will be at a different baudrate. Also after a reboot 8 your WiFly will no longer be in command mode. So after this r command, you need to close the Serial Monitor then reopen it. * Next time you are asked to connect use the 57600 option. * * * #2. Get the WiFly onto your WiFi network. * Connect at whatever baudrate your WiFly is using from the recipe above (probably 57600 which is choice 2). Then you'll use * these commands: * set wlan join 1 * scan * set wlan ssid YOUR$WIFI$NAME$NO$SPACES * set wlan pass ifUneed1 * save * reboot * You'll do that using the menu shortcuts: * a * 1 * 3 YOUR WIFI NAME NO SPACES * 4 ifUneed1 * s * r * Note, this sketch will convert spaces for parameters in $ for you. The WiFly doesn't like spaces so you use $ instead, but that * is all handled internally by this sketch. The reboot should show you the IP Address of your WiFly on the network. Write that down. * * * #3. Getting the IP Address of your WiFly if you forgot it. * If you forgot to write down your IP address or if it magically changed on you from a DHCP lease renewal you need to do this: * get ip a * exit * You'll do that using the menu shortcuts: * i * x * Write it down. BTW you can try to avoid IP Addresses by setting the WiFly hostname, for example * h r05 * To name your WiFly, then maybe your WiFi network will use the hostname to give you a NAMED address. If you try that trick you can * figure out if it worked by opening a command window (Terminal) and typing nslookup (put in your WiFly ip address, is just an example) * Note there is also a Static IP command, but I much prefer the hostname trick if you can get that to work. * * Note, there are many additional commands that you can learn about from the WiFly user's guide: * http://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Wireless/WiFi/rn-wiflycr-ug-v1.2r.pdf * Learn about commands you need to drop into manual mode to use them. * * Good luck! * David Fisher 10-2-2015 */ #include // These are shortcuts that you can use if you find yourself typing the same thing a lot into the box (if you switch networks a lot) #define DEFAULT_WIFLY_BAUDRATE_CHOICE '2' // corresponds to choice 2 which is 57600 (main baudrate used). For the initial question just hit Send instead of 2 if you want this choice. #define HARDCODED_NETWORK_NAME "RHIT-OPEN" // This is used for option 2 in the shortcut menu. Rose students need RHIT-OPEN, but set it differently if needed. #define DEFAULT_OTHER_NETWORK_NAME "Casa$de$Fisher" // This is used if you don't pass a parameter to option 3 (set as needed to reduce typing if you like for your alternate network than option 2). #define DEFAULT_NETWORK_PASSWORD "Rose-Hulman" // This is used if you don't pass a parameter to option 4 (set as needed to reduce typing if you like, love putting passwords in plain text :) ). // If you are not doing setup stuff, you can use the contants below to make a direct serial bridge to WiFly. #define USE_DIRECT_SERIAL_BRIDGE false // Set this value to 1 only if you know exactly what you're doing with WiFly. :) #define USE_DIRECT_SERIAL_BRIDGE_BAUDRATE 57600 // Set the WiFly baudrate value directly here as you will not get any menus with this option SoftwareSerial WiflySerial(15, 14); // SoftwareSerial (RX, TX) /** * Puts the WiFly into command mode. */ void setup() { boolean didEnterCommandMode = false; Serial.begin(115200); // Baudrate used in the Serial Monitor window (can be anything) // Not recommended unless you know what you are doing. if (USE_DIRECT_SERIAL_BRIDGE) { Serial.println("USE_DIRECT_SERIAL_BRIDGE is set to true!"); Serial.println(" Tips: Enter WiFly's command mode via $$$ with 'No line ending' then use 'Carriage return' for commands."); WiflySerial.begin(USE_DIRECT_SERIAL_BRIDGE_BAUDRATE); runManualMode(); // never to return } // Use the helper function to put your WiFly into command mode. didEnterCommandMode = enterCommandModeWithWiFly(); if (!didEnterCommandMode) { Serial.println(F("\nAbort!\n")); while(1); // Abort this run by stopping any further execution. Nothing more will happen. Cycle RedBot power to try again. } } /** * Loops endlessly asking the user for commands to send. See recipes for commands in the top comment block. */ void loop() { // Select an option below: // 0: Exit this shortcut menu and just let me manually type commands to send to the WiFly. // 1: scan (this option looks for WiFi networks that are in range) // 2: set wlan ssid RHIT-OPEN // 3: set wlan ssid (example usage: 3 myNetworkName) // 4: set wlan pass (example usage: 4 ifUneed1) // b: set uart baudrate // n: show net (see if the WiFly is connected to the WiFi or not) // i: get ip a (get the ip address of the WiFly) // h: set opt deviceid (Rose students please don't change the device name!) // a: set wlan join 1 (auto connect on startup. This needs to be done only once.) // f: factory RESET (just in case you are really having issues and want to start over) // s: save // r: reboot // x: exit (this exits the WiFly command mode) char stringParameter[64]; unsigned long millisInitialValue; char selection = getMenuSelection(stringParameter); switch (selection) { case '0': Serial.println(F("0")); // Display the user's selection runManualMode(); // never to return break; case '1': Serial.println(F("1")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("scan")); // Display the command to the user Serial.println(F("Scanning...")); WiflySerial.print(F("scan\r")); // Send it to WiFly // From datasheet: "The default scan time is 200 ms/channel or about 3 seconds." displayPrintableWiFlyCharacters(4000); break; case '2': Serial.println(F("2")); // Display the user's selection Serial.print(F("set wlan ssid ")); Serial.println(HARDCODED_NETWORK_NAME); WiflySerial.print(F("set wlan ssid ")); WiflySerial.print(HARDCODED_NETWORK_NAME); WiflySerial.print(F("\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case '3': Serial.println(F("3")); // Display the user's selection Serial.print(F("set wlan ssid ")); WiflySerial.print(F("set wlan ssid ")); if (stringParameter[0] == '\0') { Serial.println(DEFAULT_OTHER_NETWORK_NAME); WiflySerial.print(DEFAULT_OTHER_NETWORK_NAME); } else { Serial.println(stringParameter); WiflySerial.print(stringParameter); } WiflySerial.print(F("\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case '4': Serial.println(F("4")); // Display the user's selection Serial.print(F("set wlan pass ")); WiflySerial.print(F("set wlan pass ")); if (stringParameter[0] == '\0') { Serial.println(DEFAULT_NETWORK_PASSWORD); WiflySerial.print(DEFAULT_NETWORK_PASSWORD); } else { Serial.println(stringParameter); WiflySerial.print(stringParameter); } WiflySerial.print(F("\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case 'b': Serial.println(F("b")); // Display the user's selection Serial.print(F("set uart baudrate ")); WiflySerial.print(F("set uart baudrate ")); if (stringParameter[0] == '\0') { stringParameter[0] = DEFAULT_WIFLY_BAUDRATE_CHOICE; } switch (stringParameter[0]) { case '1': Serial.println(F("9600")); WiflySerial.print(F("9600\r")); break; case '2': Serial.println(F("57600")); WiflySerial.print(F("57600\r")); break; case '3': Serial.println(F("115200")); WiflySerial.print(F("115200\r")); break; default: Serial.println(F("Error! did not receive a baudrate parameter! Please try again.")); break; } checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case 'n': Serial.println(F("n")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("show net")); WiflySerial.print(F("show net\r")); displayPrintableWiFlyCharacters(2000); break; case 'i': Serial.println(F("i")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("get ip a")); WiflySerial.print(F("get ip a\r")); displayPrintableWiFlyCharacters(2000); break; case 'h': Serial.println(F("h")); // Display the user's selection Serial.print(F("set opt deviceid ")); Serial.println(stringParameter); WiflySerial.print(F("set opt deviceid ")); WiflySerial.print(stringParameter); WiflySerial.print(F("\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case 'a': Serial.println(F("a")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("set wlan join 1")); WiflySerial.print(F("set wlan join 1\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case 'f': Serial.println(F("f")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("factory RESET")); WiflySerial.print(F("factory RESET\r")); Serial.println(F("reboot (note the baudrate is now 9600)")); WiflySerial.print(F("reboot\r")); runManualMode(); // never to return break; case 's': Serial.println(F("s")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("save")); WiflySerial.print(F("save\r")); checkForWiFlyConfirmation(selection); break; case 'r': Serial.println(F("r")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("reboot")); WiflySerial.print(F("reboot\r")); runManualMode(); // never to return break; case 'x': Serial.println(F("x")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("exit")); WiflySerial.print(F("exit\r")); runManualMode(); // never to return break; case 'm': // This is a hidden command that we need at Rose. Serial.println(F("m")); // Display the user's selection Serial.println(F("get mac")); WiflySerial.print(F("get mac\r")); displayPrintableWiFlyCharacters(2000); break; default: Serial.print(selection); Serial.println(F("Unknown command")); break; } delay(100); // not required I just like having small delays at the end of the loop function if possible. :) } /** * Puts the user into a direct serial bridge mode as described below. */ void runManualMode() { Serial.println(F("You are now directly communicating with the WiFly.")); Serial.println(F("Things you type will be sent to WiFly. Things from WiFly display on the Serial Monitor.")); Serial.println(F("If you ever want to go back to the menu mode, just close and then reopen the Serial Monitor.")); while(1) { if (WiflySerial.available()) { Serial.write(WiflySerial.read()); } if (Serial.available()) { WiflySerial.write(Serial.read()); } } }