D. Watch the video: Sequences, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 1. Sequences are powerful because: a. They let you refer to an entire collection, as well as the items in the collection, using a single name.~ b. They let you iterate and facilitate the creation of terminating loops. c. They are larger than integers. d. They make Python a Turing Complete language. 2. Match the statements to the correct value when
sequence = [74, 34, 13, 30, 4004]
M. len(sequence) -> 5 M. sequence[0] -> 74 M. sequence[1] -> 34 M. sequence[4] -> 4004 M. sequence[len(sequence) - 1] -> 4004 M. -> 13 M. -> 30 M. -> 6 M. -> 0 3. Match the statements to the correct value when
sequence = 'Expert texpert!'
M. len(sequence) -> 15 M. sequence[0] -> 'E' M. sequence[1] -> 'x' M. sequence[4] -> 'r' M. sequence[len(sequence) - 1] -> '!' M. -> 16 M. -> 't' M. -> 'e' M. -> 'p' D. Watch the video: The Last Item in a Sequence, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 4. Choose the expression that represents the first item in a sequence named seq: a. seq[0]~ b. seq[1] c. seq d. seq[len(seq)] e. seq[len(seq) - 1] f. 0 g. 1 5. Choose the expression that represents the last item in a sequence named seq: a. seq[len(seq) - 1]~ b. seq[len(seq)] c. seq[1] d. seq(len) e. seq(len - 1) f. len(seq) g. len(seq) - 1 6. Given that seq is a sequence, what is the result of the expression
a. An IndexError is generated.~ b. The result is the last item of the sequence. c. The result is the length of the sequence. d. A syntax error is generated. 7. A fellow student turns to you and says "I don't understand why my code is giving me an error on this line:
s[len(s)] = 40
I used len(s) before in my FOR loop and it seemed to work just fine!" The FOR loop to which they referred is:
for k in range(len(s)): 
s[k] = k
What do you tell them to explain why their statement
s[len(s)] = 40
is wrong? a. Previously you used len(s) as an argument to the RANGE function. The last value that the RANGE function yields is the argument - 1 so you accessed the last element in the sequence at index len(s) - 1. The index len(s) is actually one past the end of the sequence!~ b. I don't know, all of your code seems valid. There is probably a problem with Eclipse. c. You probably changed the length of the sequence s sometime between when you used it in your FOR loop and when you later access an element with the code s[len(s)]. d. You can only use a number for the index of a sequence and len(s) is not a number. D. Briefly review the reading on Python's RANGE expression. Then watch the video: Iterating Through Sequences, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 8. Write a loop that prints all the elements of sequence x backwards. M. Line 1 -> for k in range(len(x) - 1, -1, -1): M. Line 2 ->      print(x[k]) M. -> for k in range(len(x)): M. -> for k in range(len(x), -1): M. -> for k in range(-1): M. -> for k in range(len(x) - 1, 0, -1): 9. What RANGE statement would you use if you wanted to print all elements of sequence x between indices 4 and 7, inclusive, backwards? Assume that the sequence will have at least 8 elements. a. range(7, 3, -1)~ b. range(8, 3, -1) c. range(6, 3, -1) d. range(7, 4, -1) e. range(8, 4, -1) f. range(6, 4, -1) g. range(7, 5, -1) h. range(8, 5, -1) i. range(6, 5, -1) j. range(3, 7, -1) k. range(3, 8, -1) l. range(3, 6, -1) m. range(4, 7, -1) n. range(4, 8, -1) o. range(4, 6, -1) p. range(5, 7, -1) q. range(5, 8, -1) r. range(5, 6, -1) 10. What RANGE statement would you use if you wanted to print every third element of sequence x, starting at index 1, fowards? Assume that the sequence will have at least 2 elements. a. range(1, len(x), 3)~ b. range(0, len(x), 3) c. range(2, len(x), 3) d. range(1, len(x) - 1, 3) e. range(0, len(x) - 1, 3) f. range(2, len(x) - 1, 3) g. range(1, len(x) - 3, 3) h. range(0, len(x) - 3, 3) i. range(2, len(x) - 3, 3) 11. Which of the following statements constructs a list containing three numbers and assigns the variable numbers to that list. a. numbers = [11, 7, 13]~ b. numbers = (11, 7, 13) c. numbers = '[11, 7, 13]' d. numbers = ['11', '7', '13'] e. numbers = '11, 7, 13' 12. Which of the following statements changes the beginning element (that is, the 11) in the list numbers from the previous problem to 66. a. numbers[0] = 66~ b. numbers[len(numbers)] = 66 c. numbers[1] = 66 d. numbers[11] = 66 e. numbers = 66 f. numbers(0) = 66 g. numbers(11)= 66 13.Which of the following statements changes the last element (that is, the 13) in the list numbers from the previous problem to 4. a. numbers[2] = 4~ b. numbers[3] = 4 c. numbers[4] = 4 d. numbers[len(numbers)] = 4 e. numbers[] = 4 f. numbers[4] = 2 g. numbers[4] = 3 h. numbers[13] = 4 i. numbers[4] = 13 14. Implement a function named sum_all for which: M. Line 1 -> def sum_all(seq): M. Line 2 ->     total = 0 M. Line 3 ->     for k in range(len(seq)): M. Line 4 ->          total = total + seq[k] M. Line 5 ->     return total M. ->     for k in range(seq): M. ->     for k in range(len(seq) - 1): M. -> def sum_all(): M. ->          if k < 0: M. ->          seq[k] = seq[k] + 1 M. ->          total = total + 1 15. Implement a function named count_positives for which: M. Line 1 -> def count_positives(seq): M. Line 2 ->     count = 0 M. Line 3 ->     for k in range(len(seq)): M. Line 4 ->         if seq[k] > 0: M. Line 5 ->             count = count + 1 M. Line 6 ->     return count M. ->     for k in range(seq): M. -> def count_positive(): M. ->         if k < 0: M. ->         if k > 0: M. -> else: M. ->         if seq[k] >= 0: M. ->         if seq[k] < 0: D. Do the reading: Computing & Society 6.1 Computer Viruses, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 16. In November 1988, Robert Morris launched a computer virus (actually, a form of virus called a worm) that, through an error in his code, delivered a denial-of-service attack to computers on the Internet. His worm worked by attacking a program called finger that was written in the programming language C. If finger had been written and run in Python, his attack would NOT have succeeded. a. True~ b. False D. Be prepared to explain (in class) your answer to the previous problem (or to ask a question about this problem). 18. Morris was convicted under The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. After appeal, what was his sentence? M. Years probation -> 3 years M. Hours of community service -> 400 hours M. Fine -> $10,000 M. -> $1,000 M. -> 5 years M. -> 1 year, suspended M. -> 100 hours M. -> 1,000 hours M. -> $400 M. -> $50,000 19. In your own opinion, do you feel that his sentence was: [you get full credit for ANY answer here, even though Moodle will probably mark your answer as "wrong"; just select what best fits YOUR opinion] a. A lot too leniant (i.e., he should have gotten a heavier sentence -- jail time, or a longer probation, or more required community service, or a larger fine, or some combination of those) b. A little too leniant c. About right d. A little too severe e. A lot too severe (i.e., he should have gotten a lighter sentence -- a shorter probation, or less required community service, or a smaller fine, or some combination of those) D. Be prepared to explain (in class) your answer to the previous problem (or to ask a question about this problem).