D. Watch the video: The Wait-until-event Pattern 1. Which scenario best fits an indefinite loop pattern? a. The robot needs to go forward until it bumps into a wall.~ b. The robot needs to move in a square pattern. c. The robot needs to use a sensor. d. The robot falls off a table. 2. Which scenario best fits a definite loop pattern? a. The robot needs to go forward until it bumps into a wall. b. The robot needs to move in a square pattern.~ c. The robot needs to use a sensor. d. The robot falls off a table. 3. Write a definite loop (using a FOR statement) that prints the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... 99. M. Line 1 -> for i in range(100): M. Line 2 ->     print(i) M. -> for i in range(99) M. -> for i in range(101) M. ->     print(n) 4. Write an indefinite loop (using a WHILE statement) that prints the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... 99. (Note: Write it in such a way that it would work even if no numbers were to be printed. If this note makes no sense to you, just do the problem and you will see what I mean.) M. Line 1 -> i = 0 M. Line 2 -> while True: M. Line 3 ->     if i > 99: M. Line 4 ->         break M. Line 5 ->     print(i) M. Line 6 ->     i = i + 1 M. ->     i = i - 1 M. -> i = 1 M. ->         return M. ->     print(n) M. -> while true: 5. Write an indefinite loop (using a WHILE statement) that prints integers starting at 100,000 and stopping when it encounters an integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. Do not print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. Assume that an import math statement has already been written elsewhere in the code. M. Line 1 -> i = 100000 M. Line 2 -> while True: M. Line 3 ->     if math.cos(i) < -0.999: M. Line 4 ->         break M. Line 5 ->     print(i) M. Line 6 ->     i = i + 1 M. -> i = 99999 M. ->     i = i - 1 M. -> i = 0 M. ->         return M. ->     print(n) M. -> while true: M. -> if math.cos(i) > -0.999: 10. In the previous problem you were not to print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. How would you modify your answer above if you were supposed to print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999, but still stop the loop after doing so? M. Line 1 -> i = 100000 M. Line 2 -> while True: M. Line 3 ->     print(i) M. Line 4 -> if math.cos(i) < -0.999: M. Line 5 ->         break M. Line 6 ->     i = i + 1 M. -> i = 99999 M. ->     i = i - 1 M. -> i = 0 M. ->         return M. ->     print(n) M. -> while true: M. -> if math.cos(i) > -0.999: