D. Watch the video:The Flipped Classroom, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 1. True or False: CSSE 120 uses a flipped learning approach. a. True~ b. False 2. In a flipped classroom, the deep learning occurs: a. In the classroom, during lectures. b. In the classroom, doing exercises.~ c. Outside the classroom, doing homework. d. Outside the classroom, watching videos. 3. True or False: In CSSE120, before most sessions you will watch some short videos and/or do some reading, plus do a short quiz to help you digest the main ideas from the videos/reading. a. True~ b. False 4. You should do the quiz: a. Before you watch the associated videos and/or do the reading. b. While you are watching the associated videos and/or doing the reading. c. After you watch the associated videos and/or do the reading. d. Your choice — any of the answers are fine, although most students will do best answering questions while watching the videos and/or doing the reading.~ 5. What should you do if there are questions in the quiz whose answer you don't know? a. Weep and wail. b. Blame your professor. c. Leave the question(s) blank and ask about them at the beginning of class.~ 6. If you don't watch the video and do the quiz before class, should you come to class anyhow? a. Yes~ b. No 7. Is it appropriate to NOT do the video until class, and then ask your professor (or an assistant or classmate) for the answers to all the questions? a. Yes b. No~ 8. True or False: Before you begin the in-class exercises for a session, you must do the quiz (and hence its associated videos/reading) for that session, even if that means doing the quiz at the beginning of a session. That is, your quiz is your admission ticket for doing the in-class exercises. a. True~ b. False D. Watch the video: What is Software Engineering?, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 9. What is the name of the programming language that we will use in this course? ANS. Python ANS. python 10. True or False: The programming language for our course is mostly used to teach beginners how to program. a. True b. False~ 11. True or False: Many software engineers see themselves as an artist who creates beautiful artifacts, much as a painter or musician would. a. True~ b. False 12. This course focuses on: a. All of software engineering. b. The subset of software engineering called software development.~ 13. True or False: Learning techniques that scale up to software development of real-world, large programs is an important goal of this course. a. True~ b. False 14. True or False: Software engineers rarely interact with other people when doing their job well. a. True b. False~ 15. A typical software engineer spends most of her time typing lines in a program. a. True b. False~ 16. Men are usually better software engineers than women are. a. True b. False~ 17. Software engineering requires being a creative thinker. a. True~ b. False D. Watch the video: Your First Programs, Part 1: Comments, Strings and the PRINT function, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 18. You should expect to master the material of this video: a. From the video alone. b. From the video PLUS the exercises you do in class that reinforce the ideas of this video.~ 19. Files with Python code are called: a. Anacondas. b. Trouble. c. Packages. d. Modules.~ 20. True or False: In each class session, you work through the “m” files (that is, the ones whose names begin with “m”) in the order in which they are numbered. a. True~ b. False 21. Which of the following is a Python comment? a. Authors: Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. b. 'Date written: March 5, 2016' c. # TODO: Write a program that makes people laugh.~ d. print('This program prints "Hello, World"') 22. Check each of the following that is a string. a. "Once upon a time..."~ b. 'Once upon a time...'~ c. Once upon a time... d. # Once upon a time... 23. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
ANS. one 24. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
#  print('one')
ANS. nothing ANS. nothing. ANS. Nothing ANS. Nothing. 25. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
   print(2 + 2)
ANS. 4 26. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
   print('2 + 2')
ANS. 2 + 2 ANS. 2 + 2 27. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
   print(4, 9)
ANS. 4 9 ANS. 4 9 28. What appears on the console when the following statement runs? (If nothing, write nothing.)
   print('4, 9')
ANS. 4, 9 ANS. 4,9 ANS. 4, 9 29. A function in Python is: a. A chunk of code that has a NAME.~ b. A mathematical relationship involving variables. c. Something that people do. 30. Suppose that a program has defined a function whose name is write_to_file. Suppose further that this function takes a single string as its sole argument and writes the string to a file. Which of the following is a correct notation for CALLING that function? a. write_to_file 'Robots rule!' b. write_to_file.'Robots rule!' c. WRITE_TO_FILE('Robots rule!') d. write_to_file('Robots rule!')~ 31. Suppose that a program has defined a function whose name is insult. Suppose further that this function takes no argument and prints a randomly chosen insult on the console. Which of the following is a correct notation for CALLING that function? a. insult b. insult()~ D. Watch the video: Your First Programs, Part 2: Hello World — YOUR first program, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 32. Each session, in class you should: a. Sleep. b. Sing a bawdy song. c. Dance a jig. d. Check out the project for the session and go through the modules whose name begins with an “m”, in the order in which they are numbered.~ 33. Put a checkmark beside each of the following modules that is an EXAMPLE module. a. m3e_loops.py~ b. m1_intro.py c. m6_example1.py d. m6e_example2.py~ 34. When you do an EXAMPLE module, you should: a. Study the module for at least 10 minutes. b. Skip the module and come back to it later as needed. c. Run the module (so you know what it does) and at least skim the code (so that you know what examples it has).~ d. Send it to your grandmother. 35. When you do a module that is NOT an example module, you should: a. Growl like a bear. b. Crow like a rooster. c. Send it to your uncle. d. Do whatever the TODOs in the module tell you to do.~ 36. In this course, the instructions for what to do in class are: a. Handed out on paper at the beginning of class. b. In a file reachable from the session's Preparation page. c. Inside each of the non-example modules, at the TODOs in the modules.~ d. Delivered by Martians. 37. In this course, you turn in your in-class work by COMMITTING the modules that you modify. You should commit (i.e,. turn in your work): a. Once in a blue moon. b. As often as you want, but at least as you complete each module and again at the end of the session.~ c. However many times your instructor tells you to. d. However many times your inner child tells you to. 38. If you are fuzzy on ANY of the ideas in these videos at this point, you should: a. Not worry, because there will be lots of people in class who will help you with the modules during Session 1.~ b. Drink a lot of coffee. c. Panic. d. Rob a bank. D. Watch the video: Your First Programs, Part 3: Introduction to Objects, via Turtle Graphics, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 39. You should expect to master the material of this video: a. From the video alone. b. From the video PLUS the exercises you do in class (asking questions during class as needed).~ 40. In the following code:
p1 = rg.Point(3, 30)
p2 = rg.Point(30, 20)
a. No Point objects are constructed. b. One Point object is constructed. c. Two Point objects are constructed.~ 41. Which of the following makes the object whose name is nadia move forward 50 units: a. nadia.forward(50)~ b. forward(nadia, 50) c. forward(50) d. nadia.forward = 50 42. Which of the following makes the name crow have the value 'black'. a. 'crow' = black b. black = 'crow' c. 'black' = crow d. crow = 'black'~ e. crow('black') 43. If you have any troubles or get error messages when doing the m3 exercise during Session 1, you should: a. Keep working on the problem by yourself until you fix the error. b. Be quick to ask for help.~ c. Watch this video again. d. Go home. e. Scream. D. Watch the video: Your First Programs, Part 4: Loops (with Loopy Turtles), doing the next set of questions while you do so. 1. The new idea introduced in the m4e and m5 modules is: a. Using objects b. Comments c. Loops~ d. Scarecrows 2. All modules should begin with a green doc-string that includes the names of the authors of the module. a. True~ b. False 3. Importing a module allows the program to access the things inside that module. a. True~ b. False 4. Which of the following statements constructs an rg.Pen: a. rg.Pen('green', 5)~ b. rg.Pen c. Pen('blue', 3) d. pen = blue_pen e. None of the above 5. True or False: The following lines construct an rg.SimpleTurtle and sets its speed instance variable to 8.
  my_turtle = rg.SimpleTurtle()
my_turtle.speed = 8
a. True~ b. False 6. How many times will Hello be printed by the following code?
  for k in range(42):

ANS. 42 7. How many times will Goodbye be printed by the code shown in the previous problem? ANS. 1 ANS. once ANS. one ANS. one time 8. How many times will Hello be printed by the following code?
  for k in range(42):

ANS. 84 9. How many times will Hello be printed by the following code?
  for k in range(42):
ANS. 43 10. True or False: The following statement is best read as “x gets the value 42.”
  x = 42
a. True~ b. False 11. What is the value of y after the following statements run?
  y = 20
y = y - 3
a. 20 b. 17~ c. 14 d. 0 e. None of the above 12. What is the value of z after the following statements run?
  z = 20
z = z - 3
z = z - 3
a. 20 b. 17 c. 14~ d. 0 e. None of the above 13. True or False: You should memorize all the details of these videos before you begin Session 1? a. True b. False~ 14. True or False: You should be worried if you did not understand these videos. a. True b. False~ 15. At Session 1, you will experience the ideas shown in these videos, with lots of people there to help you understand those ideas. a. True~ b. False