D. Watch the video: While Loops 1. A while loop is: a. A loop that terminates when certain conditions are satisfied.~ b. A loop that executes a set number of times. c. A function that takes a parameter. d. A special type of variable. 2. What is a danger of while loops? a. They must be carefully designed to terminate.~ b. They take up more memory than for loops. c. They cannot be used for the same things as for loops. d. They need to be instantiated in order to work. 3. "In order to make a terminating while loop, it must be ITCh-ing to change". What does ITCh stand for? a. Initialization, Test, Change~ b. Iterate, Total, Charting c. Infinite, Total, Counting, Halting d. Iterate, Tabulate, Conditional 4. Will the following loop terminate? a. Yes. b. Yes, as long as the input is greater than or equal to zero.~ c. No. d. Yes, as long as the input is less than zero. D. Watch the video: The Wait-until-event Pattern 5. Which scenario best fits an indefinite loop pattern? a. The robot needs to go forward until it bumps into a wall.~ b. The robot needs to move in a square pattern. c. The robot needs to use a sensor. d. The robot falls off a table. 6. Which scenario best fits a definite loop pattern? a. The robot needs to go forward until it bumps into a wall. b. The robot needs to move in a square pattern.~ c. The robot needs to use a sensor. d. The robot falls off a table. 7. Write a definite loop (using a for statement) that prints the numbers 0-100, inclusive. M. Line 1 -> for i in range(101): M. Line 2 ->     print(i) M. -> for i in range(100) M. ->     print(n) 8. Write an indefinite loop (using a while statement) that prints the numbers 0-100, inclusive. M. Line 1 -> i = 0 M. Line 2 -> while i < 101: M. Line 3 ->     print(i) M. Line 4 ->     i = i + 1 M. -> while i > 100: M. ->     i = i - 1 M. -> while i < 100: 9. Write an indefinite loop (using a while statement) that prints integers starting at 100,000 and stopping when it encounters an integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. Do not print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. M. Line 1 -> import math M. Line 2 -> i = 100000 M. Line 3 -> while math.cos(i) >= -0.999: M. Line 4 ->     print(i) M. Line 5 ->     i = i + 1 M. -> i = 99999 M. -> while math.cos(i) < -0.999: M. ->     i = i - 1 10. In the previous problem you were not to print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999. How would you modify your answer above if you were supposed to print the integer whose cosine is less than -0.999, but still stop the loop after doing so? M. Line 1 -> import math M. Line 2 -> i = 99999 M. Line 3 -> while math.cos(i) >= -0.999: M. Line 4 ->     i = i + 1 M. Line 5 ->     print(i) M. -> i = 100000 M. -> while math.cos(i) < -0.999: M. ->     i = i - 1 11. Re-write this code as a definite loop (using a for statement). M. Line 1 -> for i in range(7): M. Line 2 ->     print(2 ** (i + 1)) M. -> for i in range(100): M. ->     print(i) M. ->     i = 2 * i M. ->      M. -> for i in range(6):