D. Watch Loops Within Loops - How They Work. D. For the next set of questions, consider the following code snippet:
for j in range(3):
for k in range(1, 6):
print(j, end="")
Note: the end="" in the print statement causes a space instead of the default newline to appear after the items of the print statement are printed. Combined with the no-argument print statement, the effect is to print all the items on each iteration of the j loop on the same line. So there will be 3 lines printed by this problem, each with 5 numbers on it. 1. How many lines will the above code snippet print? ANS. 3 ANS. Three ANS. three 1. How many numbers will be printed on each line? ANS. 5 ANS. Five ANS. five 1. What will appear on the FIRST line that is printed? a. 00000~ b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345 f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the SECOND line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111~ c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345 f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the THIRD line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222~ d. 33333 e. 12345 f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. D. For the next set of questions, consider the following code snippet:
for j in range(3):
for k in range(1, 6):
print(k, end="")
Note: the end="" in the print statement causes a space instead of the default newline to appear after the items of the print statement are printed. Combined with the no-argument print statement, the effect is to print all the items on each iteration of the j loop on the same line. So there will be 3 lines printed by this problem, each with 5 numbers on it. 1. How many lines will the above code snippet print? ANS. 3 ANS. Three ANS. three 1. How many numbers will be printed on each line? ANS. 5 ANS. Five ANS. five 1. What will appear on the FIRST line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345~ f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the SECOND line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345~ f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the THIRD line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345~ f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. D. For the next set of questions, consider the following code snippet:
for j in range(3):
for k in range(1, 6):
print(j + k, end="")
Note: the end="" in the print statement causes a space instead of the default newline to appear after the items of the print statement are printed. Combined with the no-argument print statement, the effect is to print all the items on each iteration of the j loop on the same line. So there will be 3 lines printed by this problem, each with 5 numbers on it. 1. How many lines will the above code snippet print? ANS. 3 ANS. Three ANS. three 1. How many numbers will be printed on each line? ANS. 5 ANS. Five ANS. five 1. What will appear on the FIRST line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345~ f. 23456 g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the SECOND line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345 f. 23456~ g. 34567 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the THIRD line that is printed? a. 00000 b. 11111 c. 22222 d. 33333 e. 12345 f. 23456 g. 34567~ f. None of the above. D. For the next set of questions, consider the following code snippet:
for j in range(4):
for k in range(1, j + 2):
print(j + k, end="")
Note: the end=" " in the print statement causes a space instead of the default newline to appear after the items of the print statement are printed. Combined with the no-argument print statement, the effect is to print all the items on each iteration of the j loop on the same line. 1. How many lines will the above code snippet print? ANS. 4 ANS. Four ANS. four 1. What will appear on the FIRST line that is printed? a. 1234 f. 2345 g. 3456 h. 1~ a. 23 a. 345 a. 4567 a. 12 b. 123 a. 1234 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the SECOND line that is printed? a. 1234 f. 2345 g. 3456 h. 1 a. 23~ a. 345 a. 4567 a. 12 b. 123 a. 1234 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the THIRD line that is printed? a. 1234 f. 2345 g. 3456 h. 1 a. 23 a. 345~ a. 4567 a. 12 b. 123 a. 1234 f. None of the above. 1. What will appear on the FOURTH line that is printed? a. 1234 f. 2345 g. 3456 h. 1 a. 23 a. 345 a. 4567~ a. 12 b. 123 a. 1234 f. None of the above. D. Watch A Technique for Solving Print-On-Console Loop-Within-Loop Problems. 1. The software engineering principle: "Wherever possible, separate concerns" a. Is a way to organize code. b. Means that you separate your personal life from your professional life. c. Means that you divide the problem into pieces that can be solved, implemented, and tested all at once. c. Means that you divide the problem into pieces that can be solved, implemented, and tested independently of each other.~ 2. True or False: Step 1 of the process recommended by this video is to get the NUMBER of ROWS right. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: When getting the NUMBER of ROWS right, you should ignore the columns for now. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: When getting the NUMBER of ROWS right, you should ignore what gets printed for now. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: Step 2 of the process recommended by this video is to get the NUMBER of ITEMS in EACH ROW right. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: When getting the NUMBER of ITEMS in EACH ROW right, you should ignore the columns for now. a. True b. False~ 2. True or False: When getting the NUMBER of ITEMS in EACH ROW right, you should ignore what gets printed for now. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: If the RANGE expression of the interior loop mentions the loop variable of the outer loop, the number of items in the row will vary from row to row. a. True~ b. False 2. True or False: Step 3 of the process recommended by this video is PRINT THE RIGHT THING. a. True~ b. False