D. Read the Syllabus 1. For exercises and quizzes: a. Getting help and working with others is encouraged as long as you try the problem yourself first, make a sincere effort to understand the concepts, and give due attribution when you get help.~ b. These are to be done individually with no communication with anyone other than your instructor and her delegates. c. These are to be done individually with no help at all--in fact, don't even look at anyone else in case you accidentally blink in morse code. 2. For exams: a. Getting help and working with others is encouraged as long as you try the problem yourself first, make a sincere effort to understand the concepts, and give due attribution when you get help. b. These are to be done individually with no communication with anyone other than your instructor and her delegates.~ c. These are to be done individually with no help at all--in fact, don't even look at anyone else in case you accidentally blink in morse code. 3. You are expected to attend all classes. You should meet with your instructor immediately if you miss two class meetings during the first five weeks of the term (even if they are excused). a. True~ b. False 4. You must have at least a C average on tests to earn a C or better in the course. a. True~ b. False D. Watch the video: The Flipped Classroom. 1. CSSE 120 uses a flipped learning approach? a. True~ b. False 2. In a flipped classroom, the deep learning occurs: a. In the classroom, during lectures. b. In the classroom, doing exercises.~ c. Outside the classroom, doing homework. d. Outside the classroom, watching videos. 3. In CSSE120, before most sessions you will watch some short videos and/or do some reading from your textbook, plus do a short quiz. a. True~ b. False 4. You should do the quiz: a. Before you watch the associated videos and/or do the reading. b. While you are watching the associated videos and/or doing the reading. c. After you watch the associated videos and/or do the reading. d. Your choice-any of the answers are fine, although many students will do best answering questions while watching the videos and/or doing the reading.~ 5. What should you do if there are questions in the quiz whose answer you don't know? a. Weep and wail. b. Blame your professor. c. Leave the question(s) blank and ask about it at the beginning of class.~ 6. If you don't watch the video and do the quiz before class, should you come to class anyhow? a. True~ b. False 7. Is it appropriate to NOT do the video until class, and then ask your professor (or an assistant or classmate) for the answers to all the questions? a. True b. False~ 8. Before you begin the in-class exercises for a session, you must do the quiz (and hence its associated videos/reading) for that session, even if that means doing the quiz at the beginning of a session. That is, your quiz is your admission ticket for doing the in-class exercises. a. True~ b. False D. Watch the video: What is Software Engineering?. 9. What is the name of the programming language that we will use in this course? ANS. Python ANS. python 10. The programming language for our course is mostly used to teach beginners how to program. a. True b. False~ 11. This course covers: a. All of software engineering. b. The subset of software engineering called software development.~ 12. Software engineers rarely interact with other people when doing their job well. a. True b. False~ 13. A typical software engineer spends most of her time typing lines in a program. a. True b. False~ 14. Men are usually better software engineers than women are. a. True b. False~ 15. Software engineering requires being a creative thinker. a. True~ b. False