D. Video: The Create Robot – Hardware [7:17 minutes] 1. Give an example of a human effector: a. Hand~ b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor 2. Give an example of a robot effector: a. Hand b. Wheel~ c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor 3. Give an example of a human actuator: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps~ e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor 4. Give an example of a robot actuator: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics~ d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor 5. Give an example of a human sensor: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye~ f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor 6. Give an example of a robot sensor: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder~ g. Brain h. Processor 7. Give an example of a human controller: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain~ h. Processor 8. Give an example of a robot controller: a. Hand b. Wheel c. Pneumatics d. Biceps e. Eye f. Rangefinder g. Brain h. Processor~ 9. The Create has touch sensors in the front of the robot. a. True~ b. False 10. The Create has touch sensors in the back of the robot. a. True b. False~ 11. The Create has buttons that can sense when they are pressed. a. True~ b. False 12. The Create has infrared sensors on its underbody that shine light down and measure how much is reflected back up. We can use those sensors to: a. Tell whether the robot is about to fall off the table or stairs~ b. Follow black lines~ c. Measure the strength of a light source in front of the robot d. Find heat sources 13. The Create has a passive infrared sensor on its top. What does passive mean here? a. The sensor emits infrared light b. The sensor does not emit infrared light~ c. You don't need to call a function to actively detect infrared light d. You can drive the Create with a Roomba remote 14. What do the wheel encoders tell you? a. How far the Create traveled, in cm b. How far the Create thinks it traveled, in cm~ 15. In the way that we will use the Create, when we run robot commands for the Create, those commands start in the Python program running on your laptop. a. True~ b. False 16. Those Python commands are translated to commands in the language native to the Create robot, then sent via Bluetooth to a Bluetooth receiver on the Create robot, and then the Bluetooth receiver sends the commands to the Create’s hardware to be executed on the Create. a. True~ b. False D. Video: Your First Robot Program [2:34 minutes] 17. Write a complete main function that constructs a Create object (assume that the COM port number is 4), makes that robot go backward (just backward, no spin) at 30 cm/second for 2.5 seconds, then prints the distance the robot traveled. M. Line 1 -> def main() M. Line 2 ->     port = 4 M. Line 3 ->     robot = new_create.Create(port) M. Line 4 ->     robot.toFullMode() M. Line 5 ->     robot.go(-30, 0) M. Line 6 ->     time.sleep(2.5) M. Line 7 ->     robot.stop() M. Line 8 ->     sensor = new_create.Sensors.distance M. Line 9 ->     distance = robot.getSensor(sensor) M. Line 10 ->     print('Current value of the distance sensor:', distance) M. Line 11 ->     robot.shutdown() M. ->     print('Current value of the distance sensor:', sensor) M. ->     port = 'sim' M. ->     robot.go(-30, -30) M. ->     return('Current value of the distance sensor:' + distance) M. ->     robot.stop