D. Do this online reading: Counted Loops, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 1. Choose the correct lines to make a loop that prints 'funny' 40,000 times. M. Line 1-> for k in range(40000): M. -> for k in range(40001): M. -> for k in range(n): M. Line 2->      print('funny') M. ->      return 'funny' M. ->      print 'funny' M. ->      print 'funny' 2. Choose the correct lines to make a loop that prints the cubes of the numbers from 35 to m, inclusive (where m is some integer bigger than 35). For example, if m were 37, then this loop should print:
(The above numbers are 35 cubed, 36 cubed, and 37 cubed, respectively.) M. Line 1-> for k in range(m - 34): M. -> for k in range(0): M. -> for k in range(37): M. -> for k in range(m): M. -> for k in range(m - 33): M. -> for k in range(m - 35): M. -> for k in range(m - 36): M. Line 2->     print((k + 35) ** 3) M. ->      print(34 ** 3) M. ->      print(35 ** 3) M. ->      print((k + 34) ** 3) M. ->      print(m ** 3) M. ->      print(k ** 3) M. ->      print((m + 34) ** 3) M. ->      print((m + 35) ** 3) D. Watch Video: The Accumulator Pattern - Summing, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 3. Trace the snippet of code shown below by hand (no fair typing it into a program), and show what gets printed:
  total = 0 
for k in range(5):
total = total + (k + 10)
print(k, total)

print('The sum 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 is:')
M. Line 1 ->
0 10
M. Line 2 ->
1 21
M. Line 3 ->
2 33
M. Line 4 ->
3 46
M. Line 5 ->
4 60
M. Line 6 ->
The sum 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 is:
M. Line 7 ->
M. ->
1 20
M. ->
1 11
M. ->
2 12
M. ->
3 13
M. ->
4 14
M. ->
5 15
M. ->
5 75
M. ->
4. Write a snippet of code that calculates:
math.sin(3) + math.sin(4) + math.sin(5) + ... + math.sin(500)
Assume that there is already an
import math
that executed previously in the code. M. Line 1 -> total = 0 M. -> total = 500 M. -> k = 0 M. -> k = 500 M. Line 2 -> for k in range(498): M. -> for k in range(497): M. -> for k in range(499): M. -> for k in range(500): M. -> for k in range(3): M. Line 3 ->      total = total + math.sin(k + 3) M. -> total = total + math.sin(k + 3) M. ->      total = math.sin(k + 3) M. -> total = math.sin(k + 3) M. ->     total = total + math.sin(k + 2) M. -> total = total + math.sin(k + 2) D. Do this online reading: Functions with Parameters and Returned Values, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 5. Consider the function call
round(3.14159, 2)
which rounds 3.14159 to 2 decimal places. What are the arguments in that function call? a. 3.14159 and 2~ b. 3.14159 c. 2 d. 3.14 e. round 6. Consider the function call
round(3.14159, 2)
which rounds 3.14159 to 2 decimal places. What is the returned value from that function call? a. 3.14159 and 2 b. 3.14159 c. 2 d. 3.14~ e. round 7. As a user of a function (that is, as someone who will call the function), you don't need to know how the function is implemented; you just need to know the specification of the function. a. True~ b. False D. For the next several questions, consider the cube_volume function defined as follows:
def cube_volume(sideLength):
volume = sideLength ** 3
return volume
8. What is the value of cube_volume(3)? a. 9 b. 27~ c. 81 d. 256 e. 512 9. What is the value of cube_volume(2)? a. 4 b. 8~ c. 9 d. 16 e. 27 10. What is the value of cube_volume(cube_volume(2))? a. 4 b. 27 c. 81 d. 256 e. 512~ f. 729 11. Provide an alternate implementation of the body of the cube_volume that does not use the exponent operator. M. Line 1 ->      volume = sideLength * sideLength * sideLength M. Line 2 ->      return volume M. ->      volume = sideLength * 3 M. ->      volume = sideLength ^ 3 D. For the next several questions, consider the mystery function defined as follows:
def mystery(x, y):
result = (x + y) / (y - x)
return result
12. What is the value of mystery(2, 3)? ANS. 5 13. What is the value of mystery(3, 2)? ANS. -5 14. What is the value of mystery(-1, 3)? ANS. 0.5 D. Do this online reading: Namespaces and Variables' Scope, doing the next set of questions while you do so. 15. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below? (Pay close attention to the order in which the statements are executed.)
def main():

def hello():
return 'Hello!'
print('Hello Again!')

def goodbye():

def hello_and_goodbye():
print('Here is stuff!')
print('Here is more!')
M. Line 1 ->
M. Line 2 ->
M. Line 3 ->
Here is stuff!
M. Line 4 ->
M. Line 5 ->
M. Line 6 ->
M. Line 7 ->
Here is more!
M. Line 8 ->
M. Line 9 ->
M. Line 10 ->
M. ->
Hello Again!
M. ->
Hello Again!
16. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?

def main():
a = 4
answer = mystery(a + 1)

def mystery(x):
y = x * x
return y
ANS. 25 17. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?

def main():

def big():

def bigger():

def biggest():
M. Line 1 -> basketball M. Line 2 -> truck M. Line 3 -> basketball M. Line 4 -> house M. Line 5 -> truck M. Line 6 -> basketball M. Line 7 -> basketball M. Line 8 -> basketball 18. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
print(mystery(a + 1))

def mystery(x):
return x * x
ANS. 25 19. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
print(mystery(a + 1))

def mystery(x):
a = 9
return x * x
ANS. 25 20. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
mystery(a + 1)

def mystery(x):
a = 9
return x * x
ANS. 4 21. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
b = mystery(a + 1)
print(a + b)

def mystery(x):
a = 9
return x * x
ANS. 29 22. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
b = mystery(a + 1)
print(a + b)

def mystery(x):
a = 9
return a * x
ANS. 49 23. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 4
print(mystery(a + 1) + mystery(a + 1))

def mystery(x):
a = 9
return x * x
ANS. 50 24. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 2
print(mystery(mystery(a + 1)))

def mystery(x):
return x * x
ANS. 81 25. Consider the total_cents function shown below. This function correctly calculates and returns the number of cents that is equivalent to a given number of dollars and cents.

def total_cents(dollars, cents):
cents = (dollars * 100) + cents
return cents
For example, total_cents(3, 71) correctly returns 371. However, this function violates an important style rule: Do Not Modify Parameter Values (in a function's body). This style rule is a good rule because modifying parameter values: a. Yields ugly code. b. Is an error-prone practice.~ c. Causes the sky to fall. d. Makes Pointy-Headed Managers unhappy. 26. Show how one could write total_cents without violating the Do Not Modify Parameter Values rule. M. Line 1 -> def total_cednts(dollars, cents): M. Line 2 ->      change = (dollars * 100) + cents M. Line 3 ->      return change M. ->      dollars = (dollars * 100) + cents M. ->      cents = (dollars * 100) + cents M. ->      return dollars M. ->      return cents D. Consider the box_string function shown below. This function takes a string as its argument and correctly displays that string “in a box”:

def box_string(contents):
n = len(contents)
print('-' * (n + 2))
print('!' + contents + '!')
print('-' * (n + 2))
For example, calling box_string with 'Hello Moon' as its argument yields the following:
!Hello Moon!
27. Consider the following (silly!) statement:
What, exactly, does the above statement cause to appear on the Console? M. Line 1 -> ------- M. Line 2 -> !Hello! M. Line 3 -> ------- M. Line 4 -> None M. -> !Hello Moon! M. -> ------------ M. -> ------------ M. -> (nothing appears on this line) 28. How should the above statement been written, to be sensible? a. box_string('Hello')~ a. print(box_string('Hello')) b. print(box_string('Hello')) - None c. print(box_string('Hello') - None) d. box_string('!Hello!') 29. Write statements that would use box_string to produce on the Console the output shown below.

M. Line 1 -> box_string('Hello') M. Line 2 -> box_string('Moon') M. -> print(box_string('Hello')) M. -> print(box_string('Moon')) D. For each of the following code snippets: For this and all subsequent problems, assume that no global variables have been defined. 30.
def main():
x = foo()

def foo(m):
return m ** 3
a. Correct, prints x**3 b. Correct, prints m**3 c. Incorrect because the call to foo is missing a parameter~ d. Incorrect because m in foo is undefined e. Incorrect because x is undefined f. Incorrect because the value of m can't be cubed 31.
def main():
x = foo(m)

def foo(m):
return m ** 3
a. Correct, prints x**3 b. Correct, prints m**3 c. Incorrect because the call to foo is missing a parameter d. Incorrect because m in foo is undefined e. Incorrect because m in main is undefined~ f. Incorrect because x is undefined g. Incorrect because the value of m can't be cubed 32.
def main():
x = foo('help')

def foo(m):
return m ** 3
a. Correct, prints helphelphelp a. Correct, prints m**3 c. Incorrect because the call to foo is missing a parameter d. Incorrect because m in foo is undefined e. Incorrect because x is undefined f. Incorrect because the value of m can't be cubed~ 33. The code in the box below has syntax errors: it causes big red X error message(s). Check all lines that will have red X error message(s) beside them.
def main():

def foo():
n = 3
m = 1
return m
a. def main(): b.      foo() c.      print(n)~ d.      print(m)~ e. def foo(): f.      n = 3 g.      m = 1 h.      return m 34. Suppose you want to write a function called distance that has two rg.Point objects sent to it and returns the distance between them. Which of the following choices for the “header” line of distance is best? a. def distance(point1, point2):~ b. def distance(a, b): c. def distance(x, y): d. def foo(a, b): 35. Suppose you want to write a function called draw_point that takes an rg.Point object and an rg.RoseWindow object (in that order) and draws the rg.Point on the window. Which of the following choices for the “header” line of draw_point is best? a. def draw_point(point, window):~ b. def draw_point(p, w): c. def draw_point(a, b): d. def drawPoint(p, w): 36. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 2
b = 3

m = do_it(a, b)

m = do_it(b, a)

m = do_it(a, a)

m = do_it(b, b)

c = do_it(b, a)
m = do_it(c, a)

b = do_it(b, a)
m = do_it(b, a)

def do_it(x, y):
return x ** y
M. Line 1 -> 8 M. Line 2 -> 9 M. Line 3 -> 4 M. Line 4 -> 27 M. Line 5 -> 81 M. Line 6 -> 81 M. -> 6561 37. What gets printed when main is called in the program shown below?
def main():
a = 2
b = 3

print(a, b)

foo2(a, b)
print(a, b)

foo3(a, b)
print(a, b)

def foo1():
a = 88
b = 99

def foo2(a, b):
a = 400
b = 500

def foo3(x, y):
x = 44
y = 55
M. Line 1 -> 2 3 M. Line 2 -> 2 3 M. Line 3 -> 2 3 M. -> 88 99 M. -> 400 500 M. -> 44 55