CSSE 490 - Impact of AI: Project Presentation
The purpose of your presentation is to give the audience a good idea
of the work you accomplished.
- You have 20 minutes for your presentation. This includes about 5
minutes for discussion.
- It is a good idea to use slides, but you do not have
to. If you do not use slides, you need to use a better
presentation vehicle.
- Your presentation has to be concise and smooth flowing.
- It has to be professional and visually appealing.
- The information has to flow in a logical fashion and has to be
- Your opening slide has to contain the project title and the names
of all group members. Most people find it useful to have an overview
- You need to have a few slides in which you very briefly review
prior work. You do not need to analyze it as part of your presentation
but need to say a sentence about significant prior work. You also want
to say something about how your work extends other people's work.
- You need to have as many slides as necessary to present your own
work. Use diagrams and figures to make complex content accessible.
You want to give an overview of your system, if you developed one, but
also provide a good amount of detail. If applicable, work an example or
two, or demonstrate an example or two. The audience needs to have
sufficient understanding of your contribution to evaluate its value
and quality.
- Please ensure that you explain in detail the swarm approach that
you used and evaluate its success.
- You should finish with a conclusion in which you speculate on how
your work can be extended. Usually, the presentation follows your
write-up closely.
- It is a good idea to rehearse your presentation, so as to
work out timing and explanation issues.