* Example of connecting to Oracle
* Completed April 10, 2002 Douglas Jeffries
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
* This class handles the database connectivity
public class SimpleConnection
protected Connection conn;
public SimpleConnection()
conn = null;
public static void main( String [] args )
catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
System.err.println( "Could not load class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" );
SimpleConnection sc = new SimpleConnection();
sc.connect( "student", "student", getURL( "csse-sp-4.rose-hulman.edu", 1521, "cs333", "" ) );
// JDBC URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@csse-sp-4.rose-hulman.edu:1521:cs333"
ResultSet rset = sc.getResultSet( "select FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME from PERSON" );
if( rset != null )
int count = 0;
while( rset.next() )
System.out.println( " " + rset.getString("FIRST_NAME") + " " + rset.getString("LAST_NAME") );
System.out.println( " -- " + count + " rows found --" );
catch( SQLException e ) { printException(e); }
/** Returns true
if connected, else false
. */
public boolean isConnected()
return ( conn != null && !conn.isClosed() );
catch( SQLException e )
printException( e );
conn = null;
return false;
/** Get a database URL string from the parameters. Works for Oracle or ODBC datasources. **/
public static String getURL( String dbServer, int dbPort, String dbServiceID, String odbcName )
if( odbcName.length() == 0 )
return "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + dbServer + ":" + dbPort + ":" + dbServiceID;
return "jdbc:odbc:" + odbcName;
/** Connects to a database. */
public void connect( String username, String password, String dbURL)
// try to connect with the login information
// close current connection
if( conn != null )
conn = DriverManager.getConnection( dbURL, username, password ) ;
if( conn == null ) // check if it actually got a connection
System.out.println( "Not connected." );
else // get information from the DatabaseMetaData
System.out.println( "Connected." );
DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData();
System.out.println( " Database Product: " + metaData.getDatabaseProductName() );
System.out.println( " Database Version: " + metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion() );
catch ( SQLException err ) { printException( err ); }
/** Disconnect from the database */
public void disconnect()
if( conn == null )
return; // already disconnected
conn.commit(); // save all changes
conn.close(); // close the connection
conn = null; // garbage collect the Connection object
System.out.println( "Disconnected." );
catch( SQLException e ) { printException( e ); }
/** get a Statement object that is scrollable (if supported) and read-only **/
public Statement createStatement()
if( ! isConnected() )
return null; // have to be connected to get a Statement
// get the meta data to find supported connection type
DatabaseMetaData metaData = null;
metaData = conn.getMetaData();
if( metaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE ) )
return conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE );
else if( metaData.supportsResultSetType( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ) )
return conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY );
return conn.createStatement(); // create a default statement
catch( SQLException e )
printException( e );
return null;
/** execute an SQL query and return a java.sql.ResultSet **/
public ResultSet getResultSet( String query )
if( conn == null )
System.err.println( "Not connected to database." );
return null;
Statement stmt = createStatement();
ResultSet rset = null;
stmt = conn.createStatement(); // a default Statement
rset = stmt.executeQuery( query );
catch( SQLException e )
printException( e );
return rset;
/** helper function to print out the details of an SQLException to standard error **/
protected static void printException( SQLException e )
while( e != null )
System.err.println( "\nSQL Exception:" );
System.err.println( "\t" + e.getMessage() );
System.err.println( "\tSQL State: " + e.getSQLState() );
System.err.println( "\tVendor Error: " + e.getErrorCode() );
e = e.getNextException();