CSSE 313: Schedule

This schedule is subject to change.

Assignments are listed by their due date.

WeekDatesDay and TopicsAssignments
0 Sep. 5-6 Day 1: Introduction to course
Intelligence: What is it, where do we find it?
Day 2: Constraint Satisfaction
Backtracking search
1 Sep. 9-13 Day 3: Intelligence: How do we test it?
AI landscape, future directions of AI
BC: Computing Machinery and Intelligence summary
Day 4: Introduction to Neural Networks, Perceptron BC: Constraint Satisfaction/
Day 5: Feed-forward networks, backpropagation
Day 6: Deep blue discussion, brute force solutions, pattern matching in chess BC: Deep Blue summary
2 Sep. 16-20 Day 7: Data set selection, OOD errors, GIGO, Introduction to NN assignment
Day 8: Discussion of paper, Introduction to NN assignment cont'd, Data curation BC: Great A.I. Awakening summary
Day 9: Ethics: Bias, Copyright issues, Hallucinations
Day 10: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Value Iteration
3 Sep. 23-27 Day 11: Reinforcement Learning:
Markov Processes, Policy Iteration
BC: Cutting-edge work proposal
Day 12: Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning
Monte Carlo Tree search
Day 13: Catch-up on RL 23:59: FFNet assignment
Day 14: Quiz 1
4 Sep. 30-Oct. 4 Day 15: CNNs
Day 16: CNNs continued, Introduction to CNN Assignment
Day 17: AlphaGoZero discussion, More on CNN Assignment BC: AlphaGoZero summary
Day 18: Knowledge representation: Embeddings, Paraphrases, Ontologies, Common sense
5 Oct. 7-8 Day 19: NLP, early work in NLP
Day 20: Discussion of "What kind of Mind does ChatGPT have?" paper, RNNs BC: What kind of Mind does ChatGPT have? summary
6 Oct. 14-18 Day 21: AI at the pinnacle of science:
This year's Nobel prizes
Hopfield Networks, RNNs and FFnets
Day 22: LSTMs, Encoder-Decoder, Attention
Day 23: Reasoning in LLMs, Are NN intelligent? 23:59: CNN - Milestone 1
Day 24: Introduction to Transformers
7 Oct. 21-25 Day 25: Quiz 2
Day 26: Transformers continued
Day 27: Research directions for the next break-through
Day 28: Cutting-edge work presentations
8 Oct. 28-Nov. 1 Day 29: From Transformers to LLMs,
Pattern recognition,
Discussion of Attention paper,
BC: Attention summary
Day 30: Human Computer Interaction,
Day 31: Backpropagation in CNNs.
Day 32: Cutting-edge work presentations
9 Nov. 4-8 Day 33: Guest lecture by Eric Chen on "Developing large foundation models such as Meditron" 23:59: Fine-tuning Llama assignment
Day 34: Impact of AI presentations
Day 35: Impact of AI presentations
Day 36: Cutting-edge work presentations
10 Nov. 11-15 Day 37: Discussion of Dreyfus paper, Pattern recognition BC: Alchemy and AI summary
Day 38: Quiz 3
Day 39: Impact of AI presentations 23:59: CNN - Milestone 2
Day 40: Cutting-edge work presentations