CSSE 413: Impact of AI Presentations

Nov. 5 Managing AI Risks in an Era of Rapid Progress 1Levi Wallace, Devin Mehringer, Caleb Lehman paper
2Kyle Asbury, Nathan Chen, Eric Bender, Aidan Cermak
Thousands of AI Authors on the Future of AI 1Fengrui Lin, Ryan Harmon, Avichal Jadeja, Deniz Taskan paper
2Colin Decker, Micki Rodenbush, Bryson Lee, Emile Marois, Brennan Satkoski
Nov. 7 The Last Question 1Isaac Koontz, Ethan Wright, Tommaso Calviello, Avery Wagner paper
2Yelim Shin, Will Marek, Rhys Phelps, Aidan O'Neil
How the Enlightenment Ends 1Aidan Frantz, Dominic Reilly, Katie Borromeo, Rees Krakora paper
2Michael Greer, Jonathan Spychalski, Kevin Cotellesso, Alex Stedman
Nov. 14 Provably Beneficial AI 1Jonathan Rogers, Mathew Leister, Michael Donaghy, Caleb Mosteller paper
2Aidan Pappas, Alexei Novojilov, Amol Rama, Ethan Huey
Generative AI: An AI paradigm shift in the making? 1Josh Schrock, Damian Dalic, Joshua Lowe, Sol Lee paper
2Andrew Mills, Michael Trinh, Ryan Vance, Dean Monroe

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