FFnet [40 pts] Implement a feed-forward network and test
it. Name the file "FFnet.java" and feel free to copy and paste from
the "Perceptron.java" file. Your network only needs to have a single
hidden layer. Test your network implementation in the "Testing.java"
file, using the XOR FFnet
worksheet. The weights after running one epoch should be:
Input layer Weights, left to right:
0.9824008133397731 -1.0174696871329179 -1.0175482180492386 0.9824436414782634
Output layer Weights, left to right:
0.937738882338471 0.938059808506576
Now, change the perceptron to have small random initial
weights and experiment with different learning rates and number of
epochs. Attempt to learn boolean XOR. Hint: You should not be able to
learn AND. In your lab manual explain why this network cannot learn