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Prof. Zac Chambers
  section 01
MTRF 7th hour
Gas Dynamics, 2nd ed., James John
Thermodynamics, 6th ed., Wark & Richards
ES202 (Pre)
Course Grading:
15% : HW/ALE
51% : Exams
34% : Final Exam
02% : Portfolio

Gas Dynamics This graduate level course extends the introductory compressible flow topics presented in ME301 Thermodynamics II. The dynamics of a compressible flow are re-introduced. Attention is paid to the theoretical development of the equations of motion for subsonic and supersonic flow. Flow is investigated in converging, diverging, and converging-diverging nozzles. Normal and oblique shock waves are presented followed by Prandtl-Meyer flow. Steady and unsteady regimes are explored and the course concludes with one dimensional gas flow with friction and heat transfer.

The pre-requisite course is Fluid and Thermal Systems [ES 202] while sucessful completion of Thermodynamics II [ME301] is strongly advised. There are no co-requisite courses.


Zachariah Chambers
Last modified: Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:10:49 AM