IRC has become R-SURF!
The Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative (IRC) celebrated its fourteenth (and last) year in 2017! The IRC program was designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in a full-time mentored summer research experience, and we have supported research projects for over 100 Rose-Hulman students from nine academic disciplines. Each fall, we host an Undergraduate Research Symposium, attracting undergraduate researchers from across the region in addition to Rose-Hulman students. We acknowledge with gratitude the past support from the Edwards Lifesciences Fund, and the additional support from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. For the past several years, the IRC program has joined with the Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Research Program (RSURP) and the Reba Weaver Endowment to fund summer research. The IRC, RSURP, and Weaver awards are being permanently combined into R-SURF (Rose-Hulman Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships). Upcoming events: The Undergraduate Research Symposium is scheduled for Wednesday, Ocober 16, 2019. The deadline for Abstract submission is Friday, September 20, 2019.