ME304 - Dynamics
of Machinery
Course Information Sheet
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Text: Design of Machinery, Robert Norton, McGraw-Hill,
click here to see the ME304 syllabus
1: click here to see design problem #1 handout sheet
2: click here to see design problem#2 handout sheet
3: click here to see design problem#3 handout sheet
Homework: Regular reading assignments and solution of homework problems are essential. Reading assignments for each day appear in the course syllabus. Homework will be collected on the due date which also appears in the course syllabus. Late homework will not be accepted. Click here to see homework format specifications.
Design problems: Three design problems will be assigned during the term. The due dates for these three problems are shown on the syllabus. Design problems are mandatory. Each student must complete all three design problems to receive a passing grade in ME304. If all three designs are completed, the grades on these assignments will comprise 15% of the course grade.
Examinations: Examinations in this course will consist of three 50-minute examinations, and a four-hour final examination. All examinations will be closed book and closed notes unless the instructor indicates otherwise. There is to be no joint use of calculators, computers, drawing tools, or other personal equipment during an examination. No make-up examinations will be given. If an examination is missed for an excusable reason (illness, accident, emergency) the final examination grade will be inserted for the missed examination grade. In the case of illness, a note from a doctor is required for the absence to be excused.
Students with examination average of 93% or above at the end of the course will be exempted from the final examination and the examination average will be used as the final examination grade for exempted students.
Grading: The numerical grade for this course will be based on the design problems and examinations weighted as follows:
three hour exams 45%
homework 10%
design problems 15%
final exam 30%
total 100%
Approximate grading scale:
90 - 100% A
87.5 - 89.9% B+
80 - 87.4% B
77.5 - 79.9% C+
70 - 77.4% C
67.5 - 69.9% D+
60 - 67.4% D
<60 F
Question or comments? Contact Dr. Lee Waite