Design Problem #2

The result of design problem #1 was a link with a specified location of the center of gravity and specified radius of gyration. Now we would like you to design a prototype of the link. You might take a look at the diagram on the handout from design 1. The pin is located at point O, the center of gravity is at G and the load is applied at point P. Design a link as close as possible to the following parameters:

weight = 10.4 lbs
radius of gyration, kg = 6.00 in
distance from O to G = 5.40 in
Distance from O to P = 12 in (The link can be longer.)

In design 1, we saw that the figure-of-merit was only weakly related to kg. Therefore, if all four specifications cannot be achieved, it is best to let the radius of gyration vary. The figure-of-merit for this design will be the radius-of-gyration. An acceptable design will be a link with a weight of 10.4 lbs, 1 ft Between O and P, and a center-of-gravity located 5.40 in from O. The best design will be an acceptable design with a radius-of-gyration closest to 6 in.

The deliverables from this design project will include a drawing of your link (preferably using CADKEY). The drawing should be completely dimensioned. It should be possible for us to manufacture the link from your drawing. Create a 3-D wireframe drawing of your design that can be rendered as a solid. Use CADKEY to check the accuracy of your design specifications.

When you submit your work, include a hard copy of the drawing, a disk containing the CADKEY file, and this cover sheet.


Material density____________________lb/in3

Link weight________________________lb

Distance O to G____________________in

Centroidal radius-of-gyration__________in

Name___________________________ Box #______ Section_______