A. R. Mech


 ME 302 - Heat Transfer -- Spring 2004

Course Overview Available as a printable file in PDF format.
Course Schedule

Description of readings, homework assignments, and exam dates.  (Except for exam dates, this schedule is subject to change over the quarter.)

Homework Solutions Solutions to individual problems available in the Library on closed reserve.
Homework Hints & Answers Hints and answers for individual homework problems.
Chapter Objectives These objectives indicate what a student should be able to do after they complete the chapter and the associated lectures in class.
Examples SS, 1-D Conduction:  Pottery Kiln Example (PDF file)

Numerical Methods:  Transient Lumped
Numerical Methods:  One-dimensional Steady-state
Numerical Methods: One-dimensional Transient  (Incomplete Spreadsheet)
Numerical Methods: One-dimensional Transient  (Completed Spreadsheet)



Homepage URL:  http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~mech
Revised -- 7 March 2004 -- by A. R. Mech

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