! ANSYS Script used to model beam with three node triangles ! Observe the difficulty. NRUN=4 *DIM,stress,ARRAY,NRUN *DIM,delta,ARRAY,NRUN /PREP7 ! Element and Materials ET,1,PLANE42 MP,EX,1,1.e7 MP,NUXY,1,0.3 ! Create geometry k,1,0,-0.5,0 k,2,10,-0.5,0 k,3,10,0,0 k,4,10,0.5,0 k,5,0,0.5,0 k,6,0,0,0 A,6,1,2,3 A,6,3,4,5 AGLUE,ALL ! Boundary Conditions and Loads DL,1,,ALL DL,7,,ALL FK,3,FY,-100 FINISH ! Loop over the ever finer meshes *DO,ic,1,NRUN /PREP7 ! Mesh ESIZE,1/(2**ic) MSHKEY,1 MSHAPE,1 AMESH,ALL FINISH ! Solve /SOLU SOLVE FINISH ! Post processing /POST1 ! Tip Deflection ntip=node(10,0,0) ! Number of node nearest to the location delta(ic)=UY(ntip) ! The uy function produces the value of y-delfection of the node ! Stress at x=5, top surface ALLSEL ntop=node(5,0.5,0) *GET,stress(ic),NODE,ntop,S,X finish ! Clear the mesh before the next run /PREP7 ACLEAR,ALL FINISH *ENDDO