ES202 - Fluid & Thermal Systems
(Winter 2007-2008)

Instructors:  J. Mayhew, M. Moorhead, D. E. Richards, and L. W. Sanders

Course Contract

Copy of document distributed on first day of class.

Course Schedule

Description of readings, homework assignments, and exam dates. 

(This schedule is subject to change during the quarter and will be finalized with at least one week in advance.)

Homework Hints & Answers



Laboratory Material

Lab 1 – Dimensional Analysis

            Viscous Damper Memo with instructions and data (PDF file)

            Viscous Damper Data Spreadsheet (EXCEL spreadsheet)

Text Supplements

Additional HW problems and reading material organized by chapter.

Text Errata

Errors identified in the textbook.

Old Exams

Typical exams from previous quarters. NOTE that material coverage has shifted between exams during the history of the course. Suggest you look for topics and familiar looking problems not just "Exam I."

Chapter Objectives

These objectives indicate what a student should be able to do after they complete the chapter and the associated lectures in class.

---- Exam I -- Basic Concepts; Hydrostatics

---- Exam II -- Bernoulli Equation, Mechanical Energy Balance, Pipe Flow

---- Exam III -- Thermodynamic Properties

---- Final Exam -- All of the above plus Thermodynamic Devices

Examination Ground Rules


Midterm Exams

Final Exam

Updated 5 December 2007 by D. E. Richards