ES 202 - Archive of Old Exams

During the earlier years, the sequence of topics covered may be DIFFERENT from that in the current year.

Exam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

99-00 Winter (Mayhew-Richards) 99-00 Winter (Mayhew-Richards) 99-00 Winter (Mayhew-Richards)
99-00 Spring (Richards) 99-00 Spring (Richards) 99-00 Spring (Richards)
00-01 Winter (Adams-Mech) 00-01 Winter (Mayhew-Sanders) 00-01 Spring (Richards)
00-01 Spring (Richards) 02-03 Winter (Lui-Richards) 01-02 Winter (Adams-Mayhew)
01-02 Winter (Adams-Mayhew) 03-04 Winter (All Sections) 04-05 Winter (Lui-Sanders)
02-03 Winter (Mayhew-Sanders) 03-04 Spring (Adams) 04-05 Winter (Mayhew-Richards)
02-03 Winter (Lui-Richards) 04-05 Winter (Lui-Sanders) 04-05 Spring (Lui-Sanders)
03-04 Winter (All Sections) 04-05 Winter (Mayhew-Richards) 05-06 Winter (All Sections)
04-05 Winter (Lui-Sanders) 04-05 Spring (Lui-Sanders) 06-07 Winter (Lui-Mech)
04-05 Winter (Mayhew-Richards) 05-06 Winter (All Sections)
04-05 Spring (Lui-Sanders) 06-07 Winter (Lui-Mech)
05-06 Winter (All Sections)
06-07 Winter (Olson-Richards)    
06-07 Winter (Lui-Mech)